The Winds are Blowing Again
Monday night brought a wake-up call to those who live in tornado country. With other residents in our Common Area, two TVs were alerting us to take cover. Tornadoes are new to so many who came from the North or the West Coast. Some were huddled in our mail room. The winds were prevailing, and the rains were torrential. Thank God, the threatening storms passed over us without harm. But yesterday morning. I found out my grandson’s home (just a few miles from me) was damaged, including a tree fell and tore down his fence and shed.
At 11:30 pm, my daughter in Rusk TX, called for prayer. “Mom, please pray! We are having to evacuate to safety. The cell is right on top of us.” I prayed with her. “Do not fear. You dwell in the secret place of the Most High. You abide under the shadow of the Almighty!” Larry, Staci, Alexia (their daughter visiting), two dogs and 20 baby chicks were in the cab of their pick-up truck. Also, was one of the women living on the property. Thank God, all was well a couple of hours later.
I’ve been there – right alongside those of you who are weathering the storms where you are today. We witnessed many tornadoes, as well as the aftermath. We watched our barn roof be taken off, trees being ripped apart, and damage to our home that backed up to Lake Keystone — the path of the tornado. We took to our under-the-stairs closet and prayed for safety each time when the winds were at ferocious velocity. Yes, it was scary.
Also at Lake Keystone, a tornado brought devastation to our International Faith Bible College. Dad and Mom heard the reports — they were in the line of the monster twister. They made their way to the commercial shower stalls. The twister hit strong and almost leveled the entire building, save the area where Mom and Dad were standing and praying for God to be their refuge and strength. They came out without a scratch. They knew where to go in the time of trouble – to a centered room in the building AND to their God who was their refuge and strength.
There will always be storms in our lives. It’s predictable – whether they are from the forces of natural disasters, those that come from raging battles and wars, or from those that come from the pain of broken relationships, disappointments or the discomfort of illness and loss of loved ones. But in all those storms, no matter what comes our way, there is only one Constant that can carry us through every storm. We can be hope-filled conquerors because our trust is in THE SON, Who is always shining in our lives.
Maybe life seems overwhelming to you today in the storms you are facing. I’ve been there….. and each time, I found my answers, my peace and my comfort in the One who is the Rock, and I realize those overwhelming circumstances were ultimately for my good, because they drew me to the Source of answers, the stable foundation, my shelter and my SOLID ROCK. I urge you to go there for your place of refuge today.
In Jesus’ words to the tremendous storm where the disciples were reeling in fear and despair, we pray He speaks to the storms in our world today “Peace, be still”. In the meantime, let us PRAISE HIM in the storm!