The Wonder of It All
Many photos of sweet, newborn babies are sure popping up on my FB newsfeed lately. I still wonder about the way God knits babies together so perfectly in their mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13) and then they make their debut into this great big world. I was in awe and wonder when mine were placed in my arms. All ten toes and fingers! I counted!|
Don’t you love the way that babies come into the world with curiosity and wonder by touching and feeling? Then their eyesight becomes clear, and they reach out and put their little hands on everything. Soon they crawl and walk. They are so curious that we find them climbing the pantry shelves. We must cover our electric sockets because those little fingers want to discover what those holes are all about. Curiosity and wonder are inbred in those little ones.
When did we lose that sense of wonder? Don’t you know that is something that God wants for us, His children, to embrace again? We who have lived several decades know what it is to become busy with life so we leave little room for curiosity, being inquisitive and finding wonder. We know what it is to make mistakes, so we become cautious with life, instead of giving our curiosity full rein to being spontaneous to new adventures, asking questions, and seeking new ways of doing things. That’s not the case with children. Wide-eyed with wonder, filled with potential, they are ready to see the possibilities all around them. Unhindered by the past, they are free to wake up each morning with enthusiasm and delight for what this day holds.
That curiosity and wonder took hold of me last year when my youngest grandson took me to Reimers Park here in Austin where I traversed the canyons and caverns with him. I was a climber and a stepper! Though treacherous, I embraced the breathtaking view and the wonder from my grandson that I said “yes” and that I navigated myself to victory! No regrets!
I was in curiosity and wonder again a couple of weeks ago when I was invited to attend my oldest grandson’s body building contest here in Austin with my family. I said yes without hesitation. This is my grandson and I support his incredible discipline, hard work and determination. I was in awe and wonder as I surmised those toned and ripped bodies. I appreciate God’s creation and said, like Him, “It is good!” And, I saw the rewards for my grandson’s tenacity — two first place trophies and one second.
Childlike, awe, curiosity, wonder – that’s where God wants us to live! He promised to give us abundant life, so why would we ever think we are too old, too wounded, too limited, too whatever. Adventure awaits us when we take off complacency restraints. May we become curious again. May we seek and find treasures in friends who have knowledge and a wealth of wisdom to share. There are exciting places to go and things to do. Our loving and faithful God is up to something WONDER-filled in our lives. It’s up to us to confidently put our trust in Him Who is our WONDER-worker. And, if that’s not enough – our God is the One Who gave His one and only Son for us so that we would never perish….but would have everlasting life with Him. That’s what I call “wonder of all wonders”!! Oh, the wonder of it all!