There’s Something in the Water
Carrie Underwood immersed herself in a redemptive story song with “Something in the Water.” She took on baptism in a refreshing way when she chronicled her decision to turn to the Father to ask for guidance in every way. “Something in the Water” specifically focuses on baptism. The title came from her. She remembered the pride that enveloped her after she was baptized in their church in Checotah, Oklahoma. She knew something had changed within her.
“Couldn’t fight back the tears so I fell on my knees
Saying, “God, if you’re there come and rescue me.”
Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood.
And now I’m changed; And now I’m stronger
There must be somethin’ in the water”
This blog today stems from the celebration of the beautiful life of my godson and his baptism that “took” sixteen years ago. My husband and I stood alongside his parents to officially set-in-stone (rather, set-in-water) that this child was dedicated to God forever. It was pivotal because he was “marked aka branded”. I like to envision – that like a rancher brands his animals as his, that’s what God does when we give ourselves and our children to Him. Our baptism is so much more than a “dunking” or “sprinkling”. It is a solemn vow that the old dies in the waters and new life in Christ begins.
Each year since that momentous day of baptism, I remind Owen, my precious miracle godson, that he continues to carry that brand and God’s “reckless” love will always abide with him. His part is to abide in the comfort and safety of His Shepherd.
Along our journeys of faith, if we keep our eyes and hearts open, we’ll encounter situations and people that, without a doubt, we know that God is working out His divine plan and purpose in and through us! That’s what He did when, in 2005, and the Anderson Family gave birth to their third child, Owen Thomas Anderson. When we received the word that Owen had a hole in his lungs, some kidney complications and his situation was very “touch and go”, we felt an urgency to go and encourage them in their faith.
Because we had witnessed how this couple loved the Lord and exuded His radiance as they reached out to other families with God’s love, we felt compelled to stand with them for this miracle. I remember how my Ron ministered to Rockie (Owen’s Daddy) and prayed with him and anointed his hands (as Elders being called to anoint the sick). Ron told Rockie to go into the NICU nursery and lay his hands on baby Owen. We watched Rockie through the glass — with tears in his eyes, lay his hands on and pray for his baby boy.
That began a faith journey for that precious family, and, with joy, we were able to journey with them. How delighted we were when we were asked us to be Owen’s Godparents. There has been a beautiful bond with them ever since. There have been many ups and downs in this faith journey with them as Owen had many bouts with pneumonia and other complications, but I’m thrilled to say, at 16, he is a swimming “machine”, earning many awards and accolades for his abilities. A boy that had lung and kidney complications is setting the record straight for the enemy. He is “more than a conqueror”! I am confident that the prayers of faith for his physical healing and his “growing in wisdom and favor with God and man”, like our Lord did, are the benefits of being “branded” into God’s fold. I am confident he will love God with all his heart as he continually stays tight with Him.
I share this testimony and this knowing that God keeps a watchful eye over our children with you and yours today. Have you been baptized? Have your children been baptized? Baptism is a powerful symbol of what Jesus did for us. When we go down into the water, we’re reminded of Jesus’ death on the cross and His payment for our sins. But when we come out of the water, we’re reminded that three days later, “Jesus rose from the dead!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if we’re in Christ, we’re new creations. Baptism reminds us that the old is gone, and the new has come!
May we all continue to stoke the embers in the lives of our children and loved ones. This faith they were baptized in, is what stirs the fire of the Holy Spirit in them from here to eternity. We do our part by praying for our children and being their cheerleaders as they navigate their lives by following their Good Shepherd wherever He leads and guides.