These are the Moments

It isn’t the money in my wallet or the car I drive or home I live in. It isn’t the TV show that makes me laugh or the movie I see that inspires me. Nothing can compare with the priceless gratitude moments that represent my favorite things. As I was writing this blog after just a couple of days at Epiphany Ranch AND tasting and eating an array of scrumptious food and sights to behold, I recalled the scripture: “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8)

In so many ways….we tasted, we saw and oh how we know our Lord is so good! I was thrilled to have my children and grandchildren together at Epiphany Ranch in East Texas. We were never in a panic or rush mode. We celebrated each other and what is going on in our lives. We laughed at stories of animals and critters and kittens that Larry once had little affinity for, yet now he takes a nap with them in his lap. We shared stories of God’s faithfulness, and watched our Dallas Cowboys win another game (Go! Cowboys!) and enjoyed lots of delicious food.

The grands fished, played pickleball, stayed up late telling tales and watching YouTube videos. The girls (with Brennan’s help) made gingerbread houses while the adults casted vision for what God is going to do in healing, restoring, and propelling His kids into lives of abundance, freedom, and purpose. Oh, yes! We tasted and saw the goodness of God!

It brought so much joy to my heart for us to sit around the table and talk about the many blessings in our lives. I love seeing my children relating, respecting, appreciating, and encouraging each other — though they are completely opposite in lifestyles and business. They celebrate each other’s wins! That makes me a happy mama indeed. These moments are a few of my favorite things.

Lest I bore you with the details, my encouragement for each of my social media friends is to slow down, avoid incessant scrolling (talking to myself on that one), and become present with friends and family. I’m sure you’ve read enough of my “favorite things” moments. I think you “get my drift”.
We live in tremendous motion and speed. We get up early and go to bed late and have no time to savor “the moments”. Do we want our epitaph to read “She/He was always on the go — but she/he went nowhere!” When we are clear on what matters most in our lives, life will become meaningful and joyful. What matters most is God’s sweet moments — those heaven to earth moments.

A lot of folks talk about wanting an “experience” as if it’s going to come in the future. Yet what could be a more beautiful experience than THIS moment, right now? My Austin family and me headed back home yesterday – with cousin Payton coming with us. Sweet and tender times of making memories. Making memories is huge in my “favorite things” list.

This moment right now is beautiful and marvelous, and I’m in full appreciation of it. Who knows what the next moment will bring? Who cares? I’m here now having a glorious experience in this precious moment. Indeed, these moments ARE among MY FAVORITE THINGS. And, so is “tasting and seeing the goodness of God”!