This Girl is on Fire!
Lest I sound braggadocios in this blog today, I best use a scripture to explain: “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:31) Please indulge me as I boast on God’s faithfulness, His goodness, and His mercy to me. After Elizabeth declared “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb” to Mary, Mary broke into song: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
That is how I feel on this day, the birthday of my precious daughter. I’ve seen God’s purposes for her life being fulfilled in some of the most miraculous ways. For the first months of her life, she was a sick baby with many bouts of pneumonia. Eventually, she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The enemy lost that battle. She was healed, and our faith grew exponentially. “What the enemy meant for evil, God turned it for good.” Genesis 50:20
She was a “Daddy’s girl and she became his God-given “project”. He understood from the beginning that God was going to use her life in many ways. He was her sports, voice, stage, and life coach. You should have seen the likes of his training and coaching our girl. Many times, in tears, she’d come to me asking for my intervention for Daddy to let up. “Practice. Practice. Practice” was his philosophy. He succeeded, and that little girl eventually knew no fear on the basketball court or any stage she was on – belting out another song on camera, speaking to huge audiences with high profile people, or the simple, one-on-one encounters when she introduced that one to Jesus in a personal, intimate way.
We named her Staci Michelle (resurrection life; like God). We know “heaven” gave us those names because she has proven both names in the way she is consistently bringing Christ’s resurrection life to others. And, on so many levels, is like God in her love for people and love for seeing them come to know His Son and experience His abundant life. She has led by example in integrity and character in business and life — sincerely making a difference in so many people’s lives.
Her Daddy and I planted many seeds of faith into her from her very beginning – she knew that the enemy lost his battle on stealing her life at a young age and she has been giving him “hell” ever since with her relentless passion to change the world. In so many ways, she brings resurrection life to everyone she encounters — helping them find a new life from one of rejection, defeat, depression, darkness, and pain — because the closeness she has with God magnetically draws them closer to HIM.

There is no better way to celebrate her today than to tell you about her newest book, “Fueled by Fire”. Last year, Staci was approached by Chosen Books – Baker Publishing, to write a book specifically for women to help them become women of courage, faith, and influence. She wrote that book – to help women find the fire on the inside so that they become all that God destined them to be. Today is the official launch date for “Fueled by Fire”. For a copy of the book, go to StaciWallace.com/fueledbyfirebook or Amazon.com. And, for more encouragement, join the “Fueled by Fire” Facebook community at:
In 2021, Staci is going to be delivering powerful content for life and business and will be providing a no cost, 5-days “Reset Challenge” training. Get in the group to stay tuned! We all could use a “reset” after 2020, right?
To my precious girl, Staci Wallace Staci Michelle Wallace, today is YOUR day — I honor you, esteem you and I call myself “Blessed among women, and blessed is the fruit of my womb!” I love you so much and thank God for the gift of you to me! Happy, happy birthday, my on-fire girl!