This is my Temporary Home
I’m HOME in Austin. Officially. My family brought over yummy Mexican food to celebrate. They welcomed me with so much love. First night’s sleep was solid — once I got to sleep. Same bed in new location. Feels good. I’m thrilled to have landed safe and sound and unboxing is my mode of operation right now.
Prison cell. Hospital room. Hotel. RV. Castle. Cottage. Apartment. Tent. Hut. Shelter. Under a Bridge. Treehouse. Duplex. Stable. Cave. Condominium. Boat. Ship. Shanty. Dormitory. Car. Mobile Home.
Those are the answers (and many more could be named) to the question: “Where do you live?” But the real question might be “Where is ‘home’ for you?” Someone like me who seems to have some nomad genes, might respond “wherever there is a warm bed that I can sleep in and a toothbrush in the bathroom”. My new apartment home is my physical new home.
As I pondered “home”, I considered where anyone might be at the time and whatever state-of-life and living they might be in. I recall the young woman my daughter and I ministered to who was sitting in a flower bed at a homeless shelter. She was broken because she had lost everything – her children, her home and now her home was this homeless shelter. I think of those who live in my apartment home building and because they had no electricity or water last week, if they had nowhere else to go (even hotel rooms weren’t available) could have chosen a City shelter. But they stayed put. From the stories I’ve heard, most all residents stayed and pulled together with food and support. All for one – one for all. I like that. I intend to join the ranks of those stalwart, supportive dwellers.
I once said “home is anywhere my husband is”. Thanks, Billy Joel, for your old song: “You’re my Home.” The lyrics are “I’ll never be a stranger, and I’ll never be alone. Wherever we’re together, that’s my home.” My husband, plus our young children, were home – even when we lived in a tiny space in our church and bathed our kids in the commercial kitchen’s sink. Home was where we were at any given time – and we lived in many of those “home” names I listed above.
We’ve all heard the old phrase: “Home is where the heart is”. I think that phrase describes me in this season of my life. Matthew 6:21 says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I know that my true home isn’t found on this earth. Heaven is my real home and everything I do or say has that home on my mind. God presented me with His great love, mercy, and grace, through the great sacrifice of His Son. John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him, would not perish but have everlasting life.” THAT is our “home sweet home” with Him. That verse tells us that we should put our focus upon treasure in heaven instead of the things of this weary world because where our treasure is that’s where our hearts and minds will be.
Carrie Underwood’s song “Temporary Home” is my song too!
“This is my temporary home / It’s not where I belong / Windows in rooms that I’m passin’ through / This is just a stop / on the way to where I’m going / I’m not afraid because I know / this is my temporary home.”