This Side of the Bridge

This Side of the Bridge

October 22, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

A friend and gifted writer, Jim Foy, was kind enough to present me with two beautiful poems for our family as well as his new book, “Rhyme, Reason and Repartee” on Thursday. The following is an excerpt from one of his compositions, “This Side of the Bridge.” It is very applicable to Mom’s passing to “the other side of the bridge”. Thanks, Jim!

This Side of the Bridge
On this side of the bridge there is a sunset. Every day we know the sun will go down and have the expectation, although it is not an assurance, that we will see the sunrise in the morning. Sunset, sunrise: the cycle of life this side of the bridge.

Soon, we will reach the other side of the bridge. On that other side, there is no sunset — perhaps there is no sun to set. We are told there’s no need of the SUN, because God the Son, SON, will BE the light on the other side of the bridge. When God makes all things new, it’s an eternal day — no night there.

No day-night cycles. No getting tired, no need to rest, no death or tears. I cannot imagine how that functions, but that’s exactly what we are told: no one can imagine, or even comprehend, what’s on the other side of the bridge.” — Jim Foy

I love those words because I know that Mom is there and it’s my hope to be on THAT side of the bridge when my earth assignment is complete, too.

Yesterday, we celebrated the beautiful life of my mother-in-law (aka Mom) Lydia Wuerch. Celebrated is putting it mildly. It was a beautiful and glorious morning with no mourning. All celebration and joy and victory! “I Can Only Imagine” is a song that “imagines” what heaven must be like. I like to imagine too.

I imagine my dear husband, father-in-law (aka Dad, Mom’s husband), her Mama and her eleven siblings (who she called out to so many times), her Papa, my Mom (the two of them were best friends) and a crowd of many others who had preceded her, embraced her and cheered for her as she crossed over the bridge to THAT side of EVER AFTER.

Now we can keep singing on this side of bridge “Won’t it be wonderful there – having no burdens to bear. Joyously singing, with heart bells are ringing. Oh, won’t it be wonderful there?” That is my goal – to finish my own race well. To also hear “Well done good and faithful servant!”

Doesn’t the parting of a loved one or friend make us want to be better at living on this side of the bridge? To give our all in living with no regrets? To be a better friend and loved one? To wake up each day with determination to be grateful for yet another day? To talk to God more and ourselves (our minds full of worry and doubt) less? To sing and dance like no one is listening or watching …..because we can? To rejoice in each new day that the Lord made and be so glad for it?

I think I’m going to take in my own advice! I wanna’ live like that on this side of the bridge!