This Yellow Rose of Texas is Still Blooming
Look at my little yellow rose bush that decided to bloom in the freezing cold of winter. It spoke of hope and “Spring is on its way!” But it was teasing me. I took this photo just before the Arctic blast swept through. All my excitement of a “change” never looked like last week’s days right when I was moving to Austin. The movers were scheduled to move me on the 15th, but the snow, ice, freezing cold, rolling outages here and no electricity or water in my new apartment home — no move until today, eight days later. In just a few hours, in my imagination and my reality, I’ll hear NASA’s announcement: “WE HAVE LIFT-OFF!”
Back to the yellow roses. If you’ve followed my blogs, you know that my husband and I always had a yellow rose bush at our homes. It started with the flower-of-choice at our wedding and every anniversary since. Those two roses were speaking our love language. Thanks, my love, for these two yellow roses as I say “farewell” to Frisco. And, yes, I’ll have a yellow rose bush blooming on my patio in Austin! Some things MUST carry on!
Starting out as a new little “bud”, it was Dallas that this “Yellow Rose of Texas” was taken home by her mama and papa from Parkland Hospital. There have been many homes and many places, lots of surprises that brought smiles to our faces! I purposely rhyme today with wonder and awe of God’s plans for my life and His adventuring call. I think I’m stuck in Dr. Suess’ book, “Oh, the Places You Will Go”! In that book he wrote: “Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places!” / “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. / You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” / “And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed).”
Dr. Suess wrote that book in 1990, but I believe God had those words in mind when my sweetheart came along and took me on epic adventures and, obviously, those adventures are still abounding. I guess it’s in my blood to be an adventurer and not be stationery for very long. I’ve come to love it. Maybe – not so much the packing up, moving and unpacking OR the waiting and longing. But, I do know we can get through anything because we know: “We can do ALL things through Christ Who gives us strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
Here I am this morning, waiting for my movers to arrive and with great pride – I will survive and thrive in my whole new world. My son already alerted me: “Brennan has a baseball tournament starting Thursday!” YES! You better believe I’ve got my Regents’ Knights team shirt ready to go!
My whole new world isn’t completely new. My sweetheart and I started out in an apartment when we first married. It was a whole new world when two young lovers started out so naïve to think our lives would be like living in perpetual paradise. No cares or worries and complete marital bliss. Our eyes opened when “life” brought many ups and downs. But, through it all, I came to know Who holds my todays and tomorrows so I can be in the attitude of great hope and expectancy that success awaits me – no matter what! Yes, I HAVE read the end of Dr. Suess’ book and THE BOOK!
I do have brains in my head. I do have feet in my shoes and God will steer me in any direction HE chooses. I’ll be blooming, living the dream and reporting from my new home in Austin! Stay tuned! God’s great peace, comfort and joy be with you — wherever you are and wherever you!