To Walk Humbly With My Walking Buddies
Hyde Park, Tulsa, OK – I’m back in my beloved T-Town for a few days. What would a walk down Memory Lane be without my good friend who has walked with me here so many times in the past? We were among the firsts to purchase a lot and build here. Only big dirt piles and graded land were here when I purchased. We were risk takers. Who knew if all the promises made by the developer would come true? He kept his promise. It was a struggle in the beginning to entice people to move to this barren land. that was adjacent to a “promised” mall nearby.

So what do walkers do to pitch in and help make the dream come true? We walked often around the community and we prayed for the buyers that would join us in our community. We prayed for supernatural publicity. We coined the phrase: “Hyde Park is Holy Property”. Today, we walk among the manifestation of our prayers. So many new homes have been built with so many great residents all over now. It’s wonderful.
There is nothing like walking and talking about God’s faithfulness. A good morning walk with a good friend, as the sun is rising, is beyond measure. It doesn’t matter if we have some personal issues and need someone to listen, or if our job that day is to do the listening. It just seems a walk in God’s creation is the answer. We aren’t there to get in a certain number of steps or see how many calories we can burn. We are simply there for the peace that comes from a walk. To slow down. To breathe. To talk. To listen. To love. To be loved.

I can’t help but think of these walks when I read this verse in Micah 6:8. “He has told you what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Just as those morning walks are more than the steps, so is walking humbly with our God. The walk is about a relationship. He is our guide. And with Him as our guide, we know we are on the right path. If we are walking humbly with Him, staying in step, we form a beautiful bond that will guide us. We recognize it is not our will, but His that is best for us. What is before us is unknown to us, but not to Him. He leads. He shows the way. He is walking with us through it all. Through the good and the bad. Through thick and thin. Always. This isn’t just one nice walk. This is long term.
This is a relationship. A journey together. This is a commitment. Listen to Him. Depend on Him. His plans for us are far beyond what we could plan for ourselves. Even when it seems like it’s not, we humble ourselves and trust. Walking faithfully with God.. What an amazing way to live our lives. God is our constant walking companion. Let’s ask ourselves the tough questions: Am I walking humbly with God? Am I walking humbly as Jesus walked? His humble walk is our example.