Transformed by Being Informed
My grandsons were big fans of the Transformers — the toys that could be converted from a robot to a car and vice versa. It didn’t come as easy for me as it did for them. I just couldn’t get all the parts tucked in to transform it into a car. Those toys are literally transformed from the inside out. Isn’t that what God desires to do in us? He wants us transformed from the inside out. He works with us and in us so that what is in us…..comes through us to help transform others. Not only can we be changed, but we can be the catalyst for change in others. Those toys usually come with a guide to help slow learners like me. And so it is with God’s Word, our Guide, that helps us be transformed.
A couple of days ago I blogged about how diving into God’s Word is the way to be cured for what ails us and for transforming us. People ask me what the best translation of the Bible is and my answer is “The one that you translate into your life!” That’s what Bible study is all about. Being informed to transform.
I remember when my new Bible’s pages had gold edges. Oh how beautiful those edges were. But those edges are long gone. They rubbed off on me and better yet, the words inside of it have rubbed off into my mind and heart. God gave us His Word to transform us, not simply inform us. James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says”. In other words, God wants our beliefs turned into behavior. God makes His purpose for the Bible even more explicit in 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.”
The purpose of the Bible is more than just showing us what is wrong in our lives or how we should live. God gave us his Word to radically transform our lives. The Bible describes itself as a two-edged sword – a tool designed to make radical changes. God intends for the Bible to dramatically change our lives. The Bible also describes God’s truth as milk, water, bread, and meat. What do all those things have in common? If we don’t eat or drink them regularly, we’ll die. So it is with God’s Word. We should hunger and thirst after God’s Word so much so that we can’t live without it. So excuse me…it’s breakfast time — I’m getting my nourishment — physically AND spiritually. Transform me, Lord. Transform me to be more like You as I nourish on your Word today.