Treasured Tears

Treasured Tears

August 22, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

I’ll admit it. I am a crybaby. The older I get, the easier it is for me to let the tears flow! During the ring exchange ceremony at our wedding, Carl was supposed to be the first to say “I do” after the words: “Do you promise to have and to hold Donna from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish her, for time and all eternity?”

Of all things, before Carl could say “I do”…..I said “I do!” The minister said, “That was for Carl to say “I do”! I laughed until I cried. And when it was my turn to say “I do”, I said “I do! I do! I do!” The tears of laughter were rolling and I lost control in that solemn moment. I thought: “Hold it together, Donna! There will be photos and your make-up is about to be lost!”

On another note, I heard a man talking about how easy it is for him to cry — at the birth of his baby, over the great love he has for his wife, a touching movie, and the love He has for God and His tender mercies. He said he could cry at the “drop of a hat”. He called himself “emotionally incontinent”!

I love it when I see a strong, manly guy, who has such tender emotions that he isn’t afraid to shed some tears that express his sensitivity, tenderness, and gratitude. That man would be my son.

The Gospel writers didn’t see tears as a threat to either the manhood or Godhood of Christ when they recorded that “Jesus wept.”

Seriously – I am a crybaby! I keep tissues with me most of the time because it doesn’t take much for me to expose my emotions. It seems the longer I live, the easier it is for me to tear up – at church, weddings, birthday celebrations, my grandkids’ accomplishments, or that touching note that came from a friend or loved one.

What makes me even more “emotionally incontinent”, is when I watch someone who has had a rough and miserable life of mental and physical abuse OR someone who WAS the abuser, the alcoholic, the liar, the cheater, the selfish — but then GRACE encountered them face-to-face in the Person of Jesus Christ.

I’ll take those tears and I’ll be emotionally incontinent any day because there are some tears that can’t help but flow in gratitude to our God of mercy and grace!

God understands our tears. I’ve heard it said: “Tears are a language God understands.” Hit me with the wonder that God could love me so much, and the tear faucet turns on.

Jesus acknowledged the tears of the woman who washed His feet with her tears. He cherished them, and even protected them from those who would judge her. I desire to be THAT woman — the kind who offers Jesus the most precious parts of herself in response to His forgiveness, His provision, His affection, and His protection.

May we offer our tears to our Lord as a gift, an anointing, trusting that it is His pleasure to receive all that is most precious to us!