Unite — NOT Divide and Conquer
I am enjoying a “united” effort as I continue to work at the voting polls with people from both sides of the aisle.. Of course, we can’t speak about politics in a room filled with voters who are of different persuasions than each other. But is it really about that or is it because we respect each other and anything that could cause division among us, is of minor importance compared to what unites us.
We are quick to express compliments for a great hat, mask, t-shirt or hairstyle when voters come in. Occasionally, we’ll have to graciously ask someone to please take off their campaign hat or scarf if it represents one of the presidential candidates. And they do so without complaints. We ooh and awe at the little ones that come in with their parents to vote. And, when a veteran comes in, we express sincere appreciation for their service. We clap and cheer for all first time voters.
It’s required that we represent an equal number of party affiliations to serve as clerks. But our commonality is that we are all God’s children – in various colors, religions, backgrounds and cultures.We may not agree on political candidates, but we definitely agree that relationships matter more than politics. When there’s a slack in voters coming in, we talk about our families and our pastimes and our loves. We bring food treats to share with each other. We treat each other with respect, disagree agreeably (and often with humor). I think that is an example for how responsible adults who don’t agree on everything, should act. To be civil. To have conversations with people who don’t think like you. If everyone thought the same, it would be boring anyway. We are loving our neighbor.
Those words, divide and conquer, are as old as politics and war. The divide your enemy so you can reign supreme is attributed to Julius Caesar who successfully applied it to conquer Gaul twenty-two centuries ago.
We have choices in our lives — divide and conquer — create a mutual enemy and lead a crusade to conquer it. Conquering, at-any-cost, is all that matters. Another way to lead is by uniting people. Create a shared ambition and inspire people to build it with you. Turn it into a life quest; the journey to build something bigger than themselves unites people. We have two choices. I choose to be united – rather than divided.
Remember the battle cry of the Three Musketeers? “All for one and one for all”! They were about uniting — NOT dividing and conquering. We can learn from their unity and loyalty. As followers of Jesus Christ, not only do we strive to serve, protect, and love God, but we are also called to serve, protect, and love each other. Let’s live our faith. Let’s let people know we are Christians – not by screaming it out off the rooftops. If we know anything about this culture, they’re screaming at Christians “Don’t tell me. Show me.” Let’s live our Christianity and teach others how to do the same!”