Untying the Apron Strings
Mothers’ Day celebrations are behind us so I am recommending that it’s time to untie our “apron strings”. You know the ones we tend to hold on to so tightly when our children are ready to leave the nest.
I type this in love because I have precious mamas in my life who are tying those apron strings even tighter as their babies are about to leave the nest. I see the tears in their eyes. Their babies will soon be on their own. They may not be like the mama bird who gives her babies a nudge to show them the technics of flying so that they can become independent fliers!
I am not necessarily referring to a mama’s apron strings. It may be simply giving our children the opportunity to make their own decisions even if it doesn’t seem to be the right decision. Today, I’m thinking beyond parents. “Letting go” can also be referring to “apron strings” tied so tight around a spouse, home, job, and our identity.
To grow or to simply take the next step to leave the past behind and get a fresh new start, it is incumbent on us to untie those “apron strings” and let them AND “it” go. We must continually be open to untying “apron strings” so that a new season can spring forth for us.
On my children’s acreage in East Texas was a grungy, gnarly oak tree with poison ivy, vines, weeds, broken and dead branches all over and around it. There was very little notion of reviving it. But we (I helped) diligently cleared everything off and away from that tree. It was completely free of entanglements.
Then they waited to see if life would come back to it. They did what they could and then let it go! Not long after, that tree started budding new life and today it is completely restored – a sort of beacon that stands as a monument to the “old things passed away and behold all things become new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) That restored Epiphany Ranch tree is posted here.

This blog is for you AND me! There are many things, situations, attitudes, concerns, and worries that I need to let go. “My Peace Zone” can be disrupted by many things. My first response is to go into defense mode. But, I know it is the tactics of the enemy of our souls that ties us up with his apron strings to keep our minds held hostage in concerns instead of the freedom we have in Christ.
Our Holy Role Model demonstrated how to “let it go”! Jesus revealed a new way of living. He followed the rule of self-sacrificing love. The enemy wants us wrapped up, tied up, tangled all up in pride, arrogance, doubt, unbelief, and negativity. But it is Jesus Who frees us to live in love, mercy, forgiveness, and humility.
Jesus followed the law of love all the way to His death and resurrection. And, because of Jesus’ faithfulness to the cross, Satan’s power is broken. Jesus is on our side and we are freed from the strongholds of the enemy. We share in Jesus’ victory. AND, we have the Holy Spirit, always ready to help us follow in the ways of Christ.
Time to untie the apron strings of the enemy’s lies that have kept us from God’s good work in us and working through us. Let’s join forces – the forces of our Power Team: the Father – the Son – and the Holy Spirit — Who fight our battles for us. We can throw down our weapons, untie the aprons, and let the battle be won by our Super Hero Power Team. I’m letting go – how about you?