Untying the Apron Strings to Let it Go!
Usually untying the “apron strings” means someone is controlled or influenced too much by someone else who refuses to let them go! Today, I’m thinking beyond parents. “Letting go” can also be referring to “apron strings” tied so tight around a spouse, home, job, their identity and their stuff. To grow or to simply take the next step to leave the past behind and get a fresh new start, it is incumbent on us to untie those “apron strings” and let them go. It’s not just with our children or other people in our lives, we must continually be open to untying “apron strings” so that a new season can spring forth for us.
That was my dear mother-in-law – she held on to her home well into her 90s, but the time came, when physically, she had to let it go. And, when she did – the blessing came to my nephew and his wife to buy her beautiful home and make it their home. Letting go can mean many pay-it-forward blessings.
My sis-in-law told me about three huge sycamore trees in her front yard that seemed to be dying. She worried herself about them and tried many treatments to spark their growth. She finally “let them go” when she saw, in one of the sycamores, a nest and a mama hawk. Soon, she saw two baby hawks learning to fly. Peace consumed her about her sycamores as she watched the little birds. When she let go, the sycamores started budding.
I have a friend who had a tough time letting go of her past, but recently, she gave herself a “butterfly” themed birthday party. She not only let go of her past, but since then, she has sincerely developed her wings and is flying high.
As I’m writing this blog today, I’m writing to myself. I need “this word”, as recently someone made a false accusation about me that cut me to the core. My first response was to go into defense mode to clear my name. I thought: “If by now my ‘fruits and my integrity are not known, then what more can I do?” It is the enemy of our souls that ties us up with his apron strings to keep our minds held hostage on negativity instead of the freedom we have in Christ. My first impulse was to speak my mind, get my witnesses lined up and prove I am who I display that I am! But then, I hear the words “Let it go” in my spirit. As I read my devotion from “The Word Among Us” devotional booklet, I see how my holy Role Model demonstrated how to “Let it go!”
“Jesus came and revealed a new way of living. In the face of the selfish grasping at the heart of Satan’s rule, Jesus followed the rule of self-sacrificing love. While Satan urged vengeance, Jesus preached mercy and forgiveness. While Satan preferred pride and arrogance, Jesus taught humility and service. Again and again, Jesus showed that the devil had no power over Him (John 14:30). No amount of lying, cajoling, or tempting could convince Him to swerve from His path. He followed the law of love all the way to His death and resurrection. And, because Jesus’ faithfulness unto death, the iron grip of Satan’s rule was broken. Today Jesus is telling you that He is on your side. He has overcome the ruler of this world. You are no longer under the devil’s thumb. You can share in Jesus’ victory. You have options that our ancestors never had – you have the Holy Spirit, always ready to help you follow in the way of Christ. So whose rule will you follow today?”
Thanks for the uplifting reminder, “The Word Among Us”, and for showing us how to let go of all those things the enemy uses to encumber, stifle, demean and hinder us from God’s good work that He does in us and through us. I let go and I let God be my strong defender.
As I type this blog, as much as I need these words myself, I’m sure there are at least two or three of you who need it too. Let’s join forces – the forces of our Power Team: the Father – the Son – and the Holy Spirit — Who fight our battles for us. We can throw down our weapons and let the battle be won by our Super Hero Power Team. I’m letting go – how about you?