Want Something to Celebrate? Celebrate YOU!

I love the saying “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” When we were kids, we couldn’t count the months and days fast enough until another birthday rolled around. But, the older we get we’d just as soon let the next birthday roll around unnoticed – that is unless you’re my dear friend, Peggy Boerner. This birthday was a milestone one and she owned it because she’s the pilot of her “plane”. She’s a “can-do” gal who takes matters into her own hands and makes what matters – matter.

These photos show a group of Hyde Park friends (where I lived in Tulsa) who were invited by Peggy to her birthday celebration. Riding in a limo bus to a wonderful restaurant and then to the historic Mayo Hotel for great views of Tulsa and more fun times together. I was honored to be among the invitees!

Proverbs 18:24 says “To have friends, show yourself friendly.” The Proverbs contain much wisdom about being a friend and how to find a friend. Peggy has been a dear friend to me in so many ways, the most of which is her “welcome mat”. She always has “my room” ready for me in her beautiful, peaceful home and makes me feel so loved and welcomed.

I’ve heard adults and children say that they didn’t have any friends or that they had trouble finding friends. And there’s probably a reason for it. There is a key to having loyal friends or making friends in the first place. We have to show ourselves friendly. And Peggy is outstanding at that – so friendly that she has her birthday celebration with her pals.

May I suggest that we all become better friends – having celebrations of life and living. We can’t do anything about the past, but we can sure do things differently now and in the future. We can enjoy the ride much more. We’re the pilot on this flight and in many ways, IT IS like a RESET button. Each experience – good and bad, has equipped us to be better, do better and appreciate time more. It is the dawn of a new day, today. I know one thing for sure — we can’t live in the past, and the future isn’t ours to predict. But, we can make moments, minutes, hours and days really count for what matters most.

I speak a lot about it, but I repeat: Treasure THIS day – make memories for yourself and someone else. Live as if there were no tomorrow. Spread sunshine. Give love and laughter and life to those who need an injection of fun, faith, and friendship.

The BAD news — time flies, but the GOOD news, we’re the pilot in the hands of the MASTER PILOT Who holds our future in the palm of His hands! And, I assure you, if indeed “time flies when you’re having fun”, then I must be having a blast!