‘We Declare that Mothers are Heroes’
That was The Washington’s Post’s headline yesterday. Other comments from other news organizations said, “In a pivotal year in the legal battle over abortion, crowds estimated at over 100,000 of anti-abortion activists gathered in Washington, D.C., on Friday for the annual March for Life that featured President Donald Trump as the first sitting president to appear in person at the event in its 47-year history.” I heard the sound of a heavenly army of angels singing “Glory to God in the highest!”
That was The Washington’s Post’s headline yesterday. Other comments from other news organizations said, “In a pivotal year in the legal battle over abortion, crowds estimated at over 100,000 of anti-abortion activists gathered in Washington, D.C., on Friday for the annual March for Life that featured President Donald Trump as the first sitting president to appear in person at the event in its 47-year history.” I heard the sound of a heavenly army of angels singing “Glory to God in the highest!” Calling it a “profound honor” to be the first president to attend, he said that “unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House,” citing his own actions. Of course the other side sites his words are for politcal gain, I wouldn’t care if he was. He’s putting his words to action.
My post today is dedicated to heroes of a different kind. They are the ones who put actions to their words. They, “literally” walk-the-walk, NOT, just talk-the-talk. I can’t begin to thank God enough for being alive to see God’s love-in-action like I saw in those supporting the right to life yesterday. Lovers love by fearless, uncompromising love-in-action actions. Can’t you see what love looks like in these marchers? And, our President? Well, his actions are speaking for themselves. Who would want to be on a side that doesn’t defend life? I can’t put it into better words than what Tulsa’s Bishop David Konderla says here:

“You are my heroes! You inspire me and make me proud! You are young and old, but mostly young, carrying the future in your pockets. You come from all over the country enduring long bus rides and trips in cars and sleepless nights. You brave freezing cold and possible rain or snow, standing and walking for hours. Many call you the Pro-Life Generation; I call you heroes. You come to witness and to celebrate and to mourn and pray.
Witness to the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Celebrate the turning of the tide of our nation as we grow in numbers and move ever closer to overturning the stain that is Roe v Wade. Mourn for the lives lost and the hearts of parents broken because of a choice they wish they could take back. Pray for the healing of all and the conversion of those who still cling to the tired, old propaganda of choice. How sad for them, growing old and facing the end of their lives or political careers trying to defend the indefensible. How could anyone plan to explain to God that to the end of their life they clung stubbornly to the idea that freedom means being able to take the innocent lives of those He loves?
You are going to win! But you won’t win through marches. Marches are for witness and celebration and mourning and prayer. You will win through lives committed to God, the giver of life. You will win through the timeless beauty of modesty and chastity which prepare the heart and the soul for faithful marriage open to the gift of all the children that God desires to give. These children raised to know and love God and coming in ever greater numbers will be heroes too and will take their faith and their place in the public square and will win our nation for life. So march, heroes of life, and live Godly lives and receive the blessings of God and the thanks of a grateful nation.”
Calling it a “profound honor” to be the first president to attend, he said that “unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House,” citing his own actions. Of course the other side sites his words are for politcal gain, I don’t care if he is. He’s putting his words to action.
My post today is dedicated to heroes of a different kind. They are the ones who put actions to their words. They, “literally” walk-the-walk, NOT, just talk-the-talk. I can’t begin to thank God enough for being alive to see LOVE-in-action like I saw in those supporting the right to life yesterday. Haters hate. Lovers love by fearless, uncompromising love-in-action actions. Can’t you see what love looks like in these marchers? And, our President? Well, his actions are speaking for themselves. Who would want to be on any other side? I can’t put it into better words than what Tulsa’s Bishop David Kondrela says here:

“You are my heroes! You inspire me and make me proud! You are young and old, but mostly young, carrying the future in your pockets. You come from all over the country enduring long bus rides and trips in cars and sleepless nights. You brave freezing cold and possible rain or snow, standing and walking for hours. Many call you the Pro-Life Generation; I call you heroes. You come to witness and to celebrate and to mourn and pray.
Witness to the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Celebrate the turning of the tide of our nation as we grow in numbers and move ever closer to overturning the stain that is Roe v Wade. Mourn for the lives lost and the hearts of parents broken because of a choice they wish they could take back. Pray for the healing of all and the conversion of those who still cling to the tired, old propaganda of choice.
How sad for them, growing old and facing the end of their lives or political careers trying to defend the indefensible. How could anyone plan to explain to God that to the end of their life they clung stubbornly to the idea that freedom means being able to take the innocent lives of those He loves?
You are going to win! But you won’t win through marches. Marches are for witness and celebration and mourning and prayer. You will win through lives committed to God, the giver of life. You will win through the timeless beauty of modesty and chastity which prepare the heart and the soul for faithful marriage open to the gift of all the children that God desires to give. These children raised to know and love God and coming in ever greater numbers will be heroes too and will take their faith and their place in the public square and will win our nation for life.
So march, heroes of life, and live Godly lives and receive the blessings of God and the thanks of a grateful nation.”