We Have a Treasure in Us
I have been known for notorious treasure hunts for years — since my oldest grandchildren were too young to read the clues. We had to read for them and then they’d run to the location. It was always Nana and Papa’s way of spicing up birthday fun. It’s a work out to get the rhyming clues together then hiding them at specific locations. Then it’s the birthday boy or girl running to all the locations for the next clue until it concludes with the grand finale treasure found. I have loved making those memories.

But my two children never experienced treasure hunts – it started with the grands. So, I did something about that for my son’s birthday yesterday. It was hilarious for us to follow him around to each of nine locations. I made it so easy for him – NOT hard-to-find locations by any means. As Braden, his oldest son said, “Good thing you did it that way, Nana! He doesn’t have to overwork his mind!” Clear, concise clues out-in-the-open and obvious next-clues. For example: The first clue sent him to their fitness room. A box of popcorn was found with a note that read: “Our heart pops for pop-u-lar YOU! The clue read: “Go to the billiard room and find your next clue!” There he found a plastic lion and note that said “You are the King of our jungle!” The next clue was “Go to the patio. Under a chair, you’ll find your next clue there!” There he found a light bulb and highlighting markers with a note that said: “You light up our lives!”
There were several more “love you” items and clue locations that led to the finale treasure: lots of Braum’s chocolate almond ice cream quarts and cones that should last him for several months. A true treasure indeed when there are no Braums here in Austin, and for a guy whose favorite ice cream is that one. He was hilarious and a good sport going here and there like my grandchildren have done for years.

This “treasure hunt” led me to consider the scripture, 2 Corinthians 4:7, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.” This verse not only says we’re jars of clay. Perhaps we’d rather be heavenly angels, not earthly jars made out of clay. Why did God make us as clay jars, so easily broken and seemingly not worth so much?
Oh, but that’s not how God sees it. He made no mistake when He created us. He already had myriads of angels. He wanted something new and even more special. He made man of the dust of the ground to be on the earth, not as angelic beings in the heavens. He had a plan and a special purpose for us, even in our earthen-clay-jars. In that state – we don’t get the credit. We aren’t the treasure. Christ is. He is the treasure within us that shines out of us. Instead of creating us as strong, independent creatures to express our own glory, God created us clay jars, desiring that we would express His remarkable glory.

Now we can see the preciousness of being jars of clay. We can do this because we’re containers of the greatest treasure that empowers us, fills us to overflowing measures of love and grace, expressing Him to the world around us. So, in reality we are “Treasure” chests that carry the precious treasure of Him and overflow with Him to express Him to a world that needs Him as their greatest treasure, too!

We may be clay jars, but we’re something so special to God. We’re the center of His plan, His heart’s desire, and we fulfill our purpose by being continually open to His filling so He can overflow from within us. The clues to this “Treasure Hunt” are simple. The Apostle Paul said it this way in 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?”