WEIRD – Because NORMAL isn’t Working
Did you ever feel “weird” in a setting when it seemed you were the only one in the room who was a Christian? Maybe you really weren’t the only Christian, but based on the conversations and actions of others, you felt like the only Christian and that made you feel REALLY weird!
My blog’s title today is from the book written by Craig Groeschel, senior pastor of Life.Church, which has many satellite churches around the world. When Pastor Craig wrote the book, “Weird”, he was referring to his family’s lifestyle. It is one of a Christ-centered philosophy of being fully devoted followers of Christ to show people how to break out of “normal” ruts and live lives of authentic devotion to God while practicing the truths of His Word.
Many folks would call that lifestyle “weird”, but it’s the way that has worked in my life, too. I’m quite sure that folks who see me up and at ‘em headed to one of the four churches I attend, or headed to the volunteer work I do in various places, think I’m weird. I can’t help myself – some people bar hop – I church hop. I’ll explain that in another blog someday.
Let’s face it — “normal” folks are stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Many of their relationships are strained and just surviving. So, we might as well abandon “normal” to be a little “weird”, different, Christ-centered, Bible-believing, love-dealing Christians who march to the beat of a different (but better) drum.
What have we got to lose? Oh! That’s easy to answer — the craziness of “normal”. Remember, normal, the quote goes, is nothing more than a setting on a dryer.
Life happens. Stuff happens. People just want their lives to be normal. They prefer the predictable and comfortable. They want the same-o, same-o. But isn’t the Christ-centered life – the one of love and grace – the non-conforming, wonderfully grace-filled “weird” way – the way to live?
We shouldn’t be looking at what’s wrong in this world. Instead, we should be the weird ones that see each new day as the day God made for us. We should be raising the bar in our talk and our walk. We should be the weird ones who find joy and entertainment in watching movies like “The Chosen”. and “The Little Mermaid”. Yes, that’s what a fun couple does for entertainment, like we did Wednesday last Wednesday.
The world’s “normal” often looks topsy-turvy and we scratch our heads at some of the trends — the clothing (or, the lack thereof), the music, the anger and hate issues, the blame game issues, and on and on.
I think “weird” is the classic way that God operates:
* He separates a sea so more than a million people can cross through to the other side.
* He speaks through both a burning bush and a donkey.
* He takes a prophet into heaven on the best first-class flight of all time – a flying chariot.
* He allows barren elderly women and one virgin to become mothers.
* He raises people from the dead.
That’s not normal….or is it? Most folks want logical and predictable. Our Savior is fond of doing what is unusual and unpredictable. God is often at work in our lives, but in unpredictable ways that call us to fully trust even when we don’t fully understand.
We just need to keep following our Lord’s ways, hanging out with other believing, weird people who choose a life of love, purpose, and destiny that lines up with our Lord’s “weird” ways!