We’ve Only Just Begun
That was one of our favorite songs by The Carpenters. As a young married couple, we sang that song completely unaware of what lie ahead of us, but as long as we had each other, we knew we’d make it past every bump in the road we might encounter. Sounds like unrealistic thinking, but it is the ONLY way to live –- always hoping for the best, but just in case there were more bumps in the road than we expected, we’d make it because we were trusting in the ONE Who had already prepared the way for us.
Now, I’ve only just begun to live in this brand new two-bedroom, two-bath apartment home in Austin. I needed two bedrooms because my grandchildren – in Frisco and here, are insisting on hanging out with me. Yes, I feel the love. I’m so grateful. Last night, Bryson spent the night. You can see how he was helping me with taking out the trash and many broken-down boxes! I chose a first-floor apartment with 10-foot ceilings which means easy access in and near the entry door. Lots of windows, charming kitchen, great laundry room. Fills already like home even though many boxes await their contents removed.

My sweet Shawntel was my unpacking buddy yesterday. A few more boxes emptied. Speaking of “emptied”. I remember the story in Matthew 28 when the women ran to the tomb and an angel appeared to them and told them that Jesus was risen from the dead. The tomb was empty. He urged them to go tell the disciples. I relate to these words from verse 8. “The women ran quickly from the tomb. They were very frightened, but also filled with great joy.” Frightened and filled with joy. I relate. I wouldn’t say I’m frightened, but there is a little trepidation about the unknown, but so much joy about what I do know. The reward for the women was Jesus showed up in the flesh. And Jesus has shown up for me too as I move about in the unknowns.
The unboxing will go on pause today as we travel to Fredricksburg, TX for Brennan’s 3-day baseball tournament. One of the reasons I chose to be here in Austin – to embrace these younger ones and their lives. I am living the dream!
I’ve only just begun this new chapter in my life story. That’s the way I start each day. A new page to write in this chapter about God’s goodness and mercy. If we start each day with the wonder of a child, God will present us with wonder and awe like those women who met up with Jesus. The beautiful snow laden ground last week was an indicator of a fresh start.
Matthew 6:33 says “Ask, and it shall be given to you; Seek, and you shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened to you.” I need answers, wisdom, and direction. I know the “Answer Giver”! Each day I will open the door with great expectations. I take a deep breath, step on through and start a new page of this chapter. I’ve only just begun! “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad for it!” (Psalm 118:24)