What Are YOU Pointing At?
My firstborn grandson was a late talker. Not that he couldn’t. He just wouldn’t. He preferred to point and make cute little “uh uh” sounds. And, you’d better believe we were on point to respond to his “uh uh’s” and his point. We were those kinds of grandparents who doted on our firstborn grandchild. We adored responding to his ways of identifying what he wanted.
The POINT is this: our Heavenly Father is waiting for us to point to Him and that dream, vision, or desire more than any earthly father ever could want to bless His kids. God wants to bless those Who He calls His own, His masterpieces, and His prized possessions. He wants to bless us and give us the desires of our heart.
Psalm 37:4 says “Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” That’s the crux of the matter. When we, as God’s kids, delight in Him, His desire is to pour out blessings on us. It’s like an earthly father whose child is jumping up in his lap and hugging him, embracing him, honoring him and bringing him good pleasure. He can’t help himself. He will do everything in his power to give his child what he desires (if it’s good for him/her).
I love the idea of God giving me the desires of my heart, but that promise has a condition. I must ask myself, “Am I delighting in Him or not?” Is my relationship with Him more like am mere acquaintance or is it a loving and adoring Father/Child relationship? These scriptures explain “delighting in the Lord”. “I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart”. Psalm 40:8 and “For in my inner being, I delight in God’s law.” Romans 7:22
And, this Luke 10:27 best explains it. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” When we delight in Him and give Him that much love, He delights in giving us the desires of our hearts.
Taking “pointing” a step further past our own desires, the heart of our Christian life is pointing others to Jesus. John the Baptist pointed. He said, “Behold the Lamb of God” to the crowd when Jesus was coming toward them. Andrew pointed His brother Peter to Jesus. Hopefully, you are pointing your children and grandchildren toward Jesus by the way you love and care for them, by the way they hear you praying for them and by taking them to church. Maybe you are listening to a teenager who needs a listening ear and guiding voice and you point them to Jesus. Maybe you are demonstrating God’s love and pointing a neighbor to Him.
So what and Who are we pointing at? May we continue to point our lives to the One Who points at us daily with His love, His favor, His grace, and His mercy. May we become known as ambassadors for Christ Who points the way for others to see Him!