What Can We Do with What We Have?
Excuses. That’s what we have when we’re too short, too tall, too big, too little, too tired, too young, too old…to accomplish this or to do that. You get what I mean!
It’s no secret that I’m a reality show junkie. I particularly enjoy the ones that display die-hard athletes who push themselves to the limits. I record the shows so that when I’m preparing or eating dinner, I get to catch up on the most recent episode of America Ninja Warrior or Survivor or Amazing Race, etc.
SPOILER ALERT! Don’t read further if you watch Survivor unless you’re caught up with the most recent episode. My family and I were inspired by one of Survivor’s cast members since the start of the season. Noelle Lambert. She is relentless in strategy and teamwork. Not that other cast members aren’t, but Noelle competes with having only one leg.
Noelle had been a three-sport varsity athlete until she lost her leg above the knee in a moped accident six years ago. However, she got back into sports and competed at the Tokyo Paralympic Games where she set a new American record for the 100-meter. She doesn’t want people to see her as broken but inspired and motivated.
Last Wednesday’s 10th episode of “Survivor 43” featured one of the most epic displays of determination when Noelle overcame a huge deficit to win the reward challenge. Her ability to traverse the balance beam portion of the obstacle course seemed impossible.
She was in tears and on the brink of quitting, but she pushed through, finished the balance beam, and very quickly completed the final stage of the course (a bag toss to an elevated platform) quicker than the others. It was an ultimate come-from-behind moment!
We cried with her. We couldn’t help ourselves! Sweet victory when it seemed all was lost. But, after the valiant feat, Noelle’s comrades in the game took advantage of a window of opportunity to blindside her at the next tribal council, and they eliminated her. Now, she’ll be on the jury. But, her never-quit attitude will continue to inspire many.

To say the least, I am inspired to do what I CAN DO with what God has given me. No excuses. Isn’t that the attitude of all of us who believe that “We can do all things through Christ Who gives us strength”? (Philippians 4:13)
There are many inspiring and brave competitor stories of how individuals put aside pain to push through to victory. I’m not in the competitor mode of my life, but I am sure running my life race with purpose and determination. I am in it to win it – the prize that St. Paul talked about in Philippians 3:14 “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”
Noelle’s story and so many others who refuse to cave to defeat or make excuses motivate me. That attitude goes deep into my spirit, even at this “mature” age, I don’t want to have excuses for not giving everything I’ve got to this life I’ve been given.
I want my story to end with “She was unstoppable!” No, I’m not planning on trying out for a competition of any kind, but I do plan to muscle up my no-quit attitude. And, if need be, I plan on taking on life’s obstacles, challenges, and pressures with a vengeance.
I refuse to give up until I’m taken up. There are NO LIMITS to our God of the impossible Who equips us for whatever task may be ahead of us. I am determined to live my life to the fullest and run my race with gusto while pressing on to the finish line!” How about joining me?