What Holds YOU Back?
Last month my children invited me to attend their Perspective Leadership Summit at Allasso Ranch in Hawkins, Texas. I was stoked. The summit isn’t for the faint hearted because ropes, zip line and other courses are a part of it.
And it isn’t for the faint hearted when Staci calls different ones to come to the stage, give them one minute to review a topic and then give a 3-minute talk on that topic. It was inspiring, to say the least!
I’m a pretty gutsy gal when it comes to high flying, high ropes and high climbing. As you can see in this photo, I didn’t flinch with the zip line. But, later, there was the 30-foot telephone pole to climb and, at the top, climb on the mere 18” x 24” platform and then jump off. BTW, there are safety ropes held by the guide. I made up my mind to refuse the climb because of previous injuries playing pickleball.
I was satisfied with my decision until a beautiful attendee, Betsy Maxwell, committed to the climb. That is AFTER she had to find a restroom so she could empty her colostomy bag. From cancer, this brave woman’s intestines were removed, but she was unwavering in her determination. She climbed and conquered. Betsy says: “Cancer didn’t win. My colostomy doesn’t define me!” Imagine my chagrin that she accomplished something that I did not even try!

Have you ever felt God stirring you to do something that is terrifyingly outside of your comfort zone? Something completely opposite of what you think you want to do? That day, I wanted a safe and certain route. I had limited perspective and sappy determination.
“Do you love Me, Peter?” It is this question the resurrected Jesus asked Peter, at a crucial crossroad in Peter’s life. And goodness gracious, do I ever relate to Peter.
He had been following Jesus for years when things got hard. Jesus was crucified, and Peter, that “called one”, took his eyes off the hard path of continuing in ministry. He went back to what felt safe and certain — his original fishing occupation.
When the resurrected Jesus appeared in the flesh, He ruined Peter’s justifications to stay safe. Peter’s destiny wasn’t to be a fisherman for the rest of his life. He was to be a shepherd of God’s people.
“ … Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love ME more than these?’” (John 21:15).
For Peter, the “these” which Jesus referenced might have been the substantial number of fish he’d just caught. Or “these” could have been anything else pulling Peter away from his calling. We all have our own “these” areas in life — things we sometimes choose over Jesus.
Thankfully, Jesus continues to invite us to a life of more. A life where we refuse to settle for less than all He’s called and designed us to do and to be.
Jesus was trying to turn Peter from a quick-judging fisherman into a caring shepherd. Unlike a shepherd, a fisherman would never name the fish, love the fish, or make sure the fish are OK. Peter finished his “fish” season. Jesus was asking Peter to love Him more than the life Peter had known.
Dear friends, let’s remember who our Shepherd is — the ONE who wants to work through us – even with all our fears and failings. Let’s not allow fear or comfort to convince us to stay stuck in our same old ways. Let’s simply say to Jesus, “Here I am, Lord. I love You more than these,” and follow His lead — even when it means “walking on water”……or climbing a telephone pole!