What is Dead That Needs Resurrection in Your Life?
Saw this article yesterday. “Israel’s Blessed Rains Cause Dead Sea to be Surrounded by Miraculous Wildflowers.” BOOM! I had an epiphany! An acronym for BOOM is often “Breaking Out of Old Mindsets”. It can apply to being dead long before we’re actually dead. That “old” mindset is a part of those who give up on life even though there’s life in them that just needs to be rejuvenated. This article reminded me of that.
“Visitors are flocking to Israel’s southern region to see the desert bloom.” Israel’s extraordinary winter rains have not only replenished the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) but also made the desert bloom. Visitors are flocking to see the budding desert landscape. Ira Kholmyansky noted that for nearly two decades water levels in the Dead Sea, which is the lowest place on earth, was depleted. But, hallelujah! The rains replenished the desert and it is blooming!
I remember my Israel trip back in 2017 and being in that dry desert. This article caused me pause because we have entered into the Lenten season where we journey towards the cruelty, the crucifixion, the cross and the crescendo of our Lord’s resurrection from the dead. I’m keenly aware that death is not death at all for those of us who are in Christ Jesus. So why on earth would we let ourselves die ahead of death?
Our Lord LIVES, and so do we. Everyday can be a new, bright resurrection morning, because of Christ’s death, burial and rising to live forevermore. Only God can bring life out of a season of death. God just can’t leave death well enough alone, can He?
Perhaps, today, you are alive only because you have a heartbeat, but I’m trying to speak into you today and say: BOOM – Break out of that Mindset! Don’t live in the ashes of defeat, brokenness, depression and anything else that makes you feel life is over. You are still alive. Go ahead and put your hand over your heart. If it’s beating, God has a destiny and mission for you to fulfill. You could have been born sometime in history, but you weren’t. You’re here now, so the resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives big in you. He is the Spring and Summer rain that can replenish you and you can blossom again just like those flowers in the desert. Let Him pour His rain into you today!
“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you!” Romans 8:11
dead, resurrection, blog, Christian, Israel, blessed rains, dead sea, miraculous, wildflowers, epiphany, BOOM, desert bloom, lenten season, Christ’s death, burial, life, romans 8:11, season of death,