What is our Praise Bank Balance?
I know that I am a glass-house kind of gal aka an open book. My blogs reveal the real me. But, I do keep a few things between me and THEE and THEE is Who I am expressing praise to today!
My big reveal. While in Cabo, several of us came down with a respiratory infection and even took it home with us. Ugh! It wasn’t a pretty sight or sound. To my chagrin, I had to cancel some special times and commitments.
But yesterday was a new day. It was a big “I-praise-You-and-thank-You-God kind of day. I noticed it. I could breathe clearly. No wheezing. Sorry, TMI! I slept through the night. I acknowledged Him throughout my day. I could visit with sweet ones from Canada. One of whom is now planted in New Braunfels, TX as Assistant District Attorney. She was proud to show off her Texas license plates.
I had plenty to praise God about. So I did just that. I was in church with family. It was a beautiful, glorious day outside. “Thank you, God, for this beautiful day.” “Thank you, God, for good health!” “Thank you, God, for family and answered prayers.”
I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that my praising is like putting praise tokens into God’s Praise Bank. When my husband and I gave Marriage Seminars, one of the illustrations we used for kindness to each other was “putting love tokens in the LOVE Bank”. The basic premise is that inside of us we each have a “love bank”.
When our spouse or anyone treats us well, then they are making a deposit into our love bank and we feel closer, more appreciative and more loving toward that person. But when we’re treated poorly, made to feel unappreciated and taken for granted, then love tokens are withdrawn from our account and we feel less close to them — even less trusting of them. If the withdrawals exceed the deposits, then our love bank account balance goes “in the red” with a negative account balance.
I started thinking….”What if God had a Praise Bank?” — a bank that when we praise Him (even sacrifices of praise when it’s not so easy to do), when we are kind, loving and generous, love and praise tokens would be deposited into our account.

Oh, I know, God’s mercies are ever flowing despite our good and bad attitudes. If an earthly dad sees his kids being sweet, kind, loving and tender — especially when they show appreciation for everything he does for them, why wouldn’t our Heavenly Father take pleasure in those praiseworthy things too?
On the other hand, when we grumble and complain and are ornery, unforgiving, unappreciative, and cranky about every little thing, I can just imagine that our Praise Bank starts to get depleted. The question is….”What is the balance in OUR Praise Bank?”
Bottom line….living a life of praise is not only the most enjoyable way to live, but it’s also one of the most powerful ways to change our life. Praise isn’t like the caboose that just follows what happens, but it’s more like the engine of a train that makes things happen.
Our faith isn’t complete without praise. Colossians 2:7 says that you “abound in faith with thanksgiving”. Conversely, our faith wanes when we have a lack of thanksgiving and appreciation. Praise touches everything and every part of our life.
I plan on making a lot of praise and thanksgiving deposits today into God’s heavenly account. I want THAT account full and overflowing with gratitude. How about you?