When Love Broke Through
It’s June 1st and I had an upbeat blog ready to go for this day, but after watching way more video clips than I should have watched of unbelievable riots, theft, damages to property and civil unrest, I sensed God nudging me to “speak His mind” on His behalf today. So — I yield to His voice.
The predominant character trait of God is LOVE, so, of course, that would be what I should blog about today. It’s the oldest of old stories “For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, would not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). Love broke through! And, as despicable was his death, I choose to believe that verse holds true for George Floyd. That he is with Jesus in Paradise. And, I choose to believe that verse holds true for his killers. That Jesus died even for them, and, hopefully, they, too, will join George in heaven one day.
Sounds pretty irrational, doesn’t it? Oh, but the power of the greatest LOVER of all. Jesus broke through all the hate, anger, malice, rejection and even His own death. It’s upside down thinking for sure, but look at how He told us to love in Matthew 5:44: “Love your enemies! Bless them that curse you! Do good to them that hate you! PRAY for them who spitefully use you, and persecute you!” Doesn’t that sound preposterous? How could we possibly love someone that rejects, curses, hurts or even kills us or a family member or friend? How is it possible to love our enemies? And, even a step further, to “bless them and pray for them”? Can those words be possible?

Martin Luther King said: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Jesus set the example for us. He had enemies – plenty of them. They lied about Him. They beat Him. They mocked Him. They killed Him. He loved them anyway. And if we believe in Him, it’s time to turn things “upside down” and “inside out”, and say to our enemies, “I love you. I would rather die than hate you.” May we put away our swords of embittered words and actions. May we take up our crosses of love and follow Jesus Who showed us how to live and love, and as He told us to pray for them, we pray this prayer for them now:
“Lord of love, we pray for You to bless our enemies. Open their ears to the Truth. Open their minds to understand the Gospel. Open their hearts to long for Your love. Draw them to Yourself Your Light is stronger than their darkness Bring them into the Light. Save them for all eternity. May Your love break through to them. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus.”
Toby Mac sings it like this: “When love broke thru / You found me in the darkness / Wanderin’ thru the desert / I was a hopeless fool / Now I’m hopelessly devoted / My chains are broken / And it all began with You / When love broke thru / And it all began with You / When love broke thru”.
We can sing “What the world needs now is love sweet love” until we’re blue in the face, but until we possess God’s love in our hearts — we will never measure up to what’s needed for change in our world today. I’m praying for love to break through in our world. Will you join me in that prayer?