Worship = Warning = Rewards
On Sunday, my blog was based on the Wise Men’s words “We have come to worship Him.” I couldn’t resist – one more blog about the Wise Men, their visit to the Holy Family and “worship”. The final line of the scriptures of that story describes what happened, AFTER they worshipped the newborn King. “Then, being DIVINELY WARNED in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way.” (Matthew 2:12)
The Three Kings had been worshipping the newborn King and out of that intimacy, God warned them about dangers up ahead. After all, King Herod’s plans were to kill all the little boys because he suspected one of them would take his throne. God looked out for the magi because they gave their best in worship to His Son. Do you suppose there is a divine clue there that could alter or give wisdom to God’s plans revealed when we worship His Son, too?
We are surrounded each day by warnings — like that bothersome car seat belt alarm, the smoke detectors when we burn our toast, or food labels that warn us it has too much fat or sugar! We are warned about Covid and the flu. We are warned that radiation, sun and air are dangerous. And life goes on with some warnings being true and others we aren’t sure about.|
Perhaps, this day we can set aside our natural suspicions and aversions to warnings and hone in on God’s Warning System that is never wrong. How can we do that? Through our worship AND His Word, that teach us about His Warning System!
Many times, people have been misinformed and actually steered the opposite direction they needed to go for safety. But God never does that. He is TRUTH and LOVE. His warnings are right every time. Just think about it. As God’s beloved children, when we go into that “Secret Place” with Him and we honor Him by our worship, why wouldn’t our Heavenly Father aka Abba Father give us wisdom for our future and the dangers that could lie up ahead? God’s Warning System never fails!
The Wise Men went another way than they had planned. Why wouldn’t God instruct us to go another way instead of the way we had planned if there were dangers up ahead? What about the plans and decisions we make for ourselves – goals and resolutions for this new year?
Proverbs 16:9 says: “A man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” When we live a faith-filled life of trusting God, we can expect His wisdom and direction.
Psalm 37:23 says: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delights in his way.”
If the Wise Men had a dream that sent them another direction, we can be confident that if our plans are altered, it will be for our good and in our best interest to take that different path. If we are willing to recognize God’s Warning System and accept His tweaking, then like the Wise Men, we, too, will be wise enough to listen and walk in the steps He lays out for us. Imagine the pitfalls, detours, side roads and other off track places God could keep us from, as we surrender to follow Him.
Like the Wise Men, may we worship our King of all Kings, and then: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN for His voice and His indicators. After all He knows short cuts and secret passageways to get us to where we need to go – faster, safer and with peace. After all, Father KNOWS best!