You are Working all Things for my Good
Not only is that a passage from the Bible in Romans 8:28, it is the lyrics of a song written and sung by Gospel Recording Artists, pastors and dear friends, David and Nicole Binion. I was about to start writing a blog about that verse when I started singing the words written by David and Nicole. (Link at end of blog.)
You are working all things for my good
You are working all things for my good
When I cannot see it, God I still believe it
You are working all things for my good
Remember it was King David who declared that God’s goodness would follow him all the days of his life. He wasn’t saying, “Surely only good things are going to happen to me!” He knew as well as anyone that bad things happen to good people. Instead, David was saying that only God’s goodness would follow after him. No matter how bad or difficult something seems, God can work it out for good.
It’s one of God’s great promises that He gives to those who believe. Everything that happens to us is working for our good – IF (there lies the condition) — IF we love God and are fitting into His plans. If you’re a believer, the Bible says all things are working together for good — not that all things are good, but things are working together for good.
I’m speaking to you from decades of experience. At the time it seems like the worst possible scenario is happening. But, I guarantee you — there is no difficulty, dilemma, defeat, or disaster in the lives of believers that God can’t ultimately turn toward his purpose. Just like goodness chasing us down – God’s unfailing love follows us in life. King David says it pursues us!
Let’s picture ME following around my two teenage grandsons and picking up after them (like I really am doing right now) – like their dirty laundry or the bags that held their fast food or their dishes in the sink. Well God is like that! When we’re struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups, God is coming right alongside us, helping to pick up our messes and telling us that His unfailing love is always there. And we can count on it!
So instead of putting a question mark at what the future holds – we can replace it with an exclamation point! God will be with us no matter what happens. “Surely your goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6)
God says, “I’ve got a great life planned for you, and surely goodness and mercy will follow you through it, but that’s not the end! I’ve got something else at the end!” God builds it to a crescendo and saves the best for last. Living in the house of the Lord forever! We’re going to heaven! Whoohoo! With God, it just keeps getting better and better. The best is yet to come.