You’re a Grand Old Flag
Yes, it’s grand, but here at my home – it’s tattered and torn. It’s been up every day since Covid-19 showed up — as a reminder daily to pray for my country. No doubt, my flag has suffered from high winds and rain. From it being caught on my garage door light fixture, there were several tears between a white and red stripe. My neighbor saved it one day and I have pulled out my two-step ladder to release the light’s hold other days.
When I worked for the early voting poll, strong winds and rain came through. Along with it, the towering flag on the high pole at the front of the building had unwound and was about to touch the ground. A voter came running in and shouted “Quick! Someone! The flag is about to touch the ground!” Immediately, one of our men clerks ran outside in the rain and quickly returned it to its prominence and rightful position – flying high about the storms of the weather and the chaos in our world. I was impressed with the respect given to our flag.
On Saturday, my flag’s mistreatment got to my heart. The more I “put up with” the tears and getting stuck, the more I realized my lack of respect was hindering my prayers. I was getting perturbed instead of doing something about it. I brought it in and commenced to stitch it up, but I think it’s seen its last days. I started singing in my head: “You’re a grand old flag; You’re a high-flying flag. And forever in peace may you wave. You’re the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave. Every heart beats true under red, white, and blue where there’s never a boast or brag. But should old acquaintance be forgot, keep your eye on the grand old flag.”
I think about the price that was paid by our armed forces to protect us and our grand old flag. President John F. Kennedy said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.’ There are few ways less noble to serve our country than through our military, whose sacrifice, courage, and strength deserve our highest gratitude. As I mulled over the issues with my flag, the more I realized that price. Though I posted a meme about my appreciation to our veterans on Veterans’ Day last Wednesday, I don’t think I emphasized enough the bravery of those who are willing to be placed in harm’s way and dedicate their lives to protect people he/she has never met. I am not only proud, but also honored to live in a country where this kind of courage exists.
We hear too much “Defund the police” and hear way too little about our brave military – I’m making a pledge today to show greater appreciation and respect for those who have paid the price for our freedom – including our police and first responders. Every veteran and those serving to protect us today makes the ultimate commitment and demonstrates the pinnacle of patriotism and courage. My words today are a mere token of appreciation. But actions speak louder than words. I intend to take President Kennedy’s words to heart and to defend, love and continue to PRAY for our country. It doesn’t stop with whoever is in office. From the bottom of my heart, I pledge to honor our brave. I also pledge to sing the “National Anthem” with my head held high, and my hand over my heart saluting the flag and the freedoms that we have been afforded.
John 13:15 “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”