❤️The Real Story of Valentine’s Day❤️

❤️The Real Story of Valentine’s Day❤️

February 14, 2025 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

STOP! Before you assume this is about lovebirds and candlelit dinners, stay with me — I promise this is for everyone!

Yes, Valentine’s Day is wrapped in chocolate, flowers, and heart-shaped everything, but let’s rewind to the real reason this day exists. It wasn’t about romance — it was about faith, courage, and a love far greater than any greeting card could express.

St. Valentine was a Christian priest who lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius II, a man who had no patience for faith or for love, at least not the kind Valentine was promoting. While Claudius was busy banning marriages (because he thought single men made better soldiers), Valentine was busy marrying Christian couples in secret. When the emperor found out, Valentine was arrested, beaten, and eventually beheaded on — you guessed it — February 14, 278 A.D.

Legend has it that before his execution, Valentine prayed for the blind daughter of his jailer, and her sight was miraculously restored. Before he was led to his death, he sent her a note signed, “From your Valentine.” And just like that, a martyr’s act of love sparked a tradition.

I can’t help but wonder what St. Valentine would think of today’s celebration. Would he laugh at the overpriced roses and extravagant gestures? Maybe. But I think he’d also remind us of something much deeper—something the Apostle Paul once said:

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9

Real love isn’t just romance — it’s sacrifice, sincerity, and something worth standing for. Whether you’re married, single, widowed, or somewhere in between, you are part of the greatest love story ever written. The God who formed you, knows you, and calls you His own loves you more than any human ever could.

So, let’s celebrate love today — not just the kind that comes in a heart-shaped box, but the kind that changes lives.

❤️❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day, dear friends! You are so loved — by God and by me. ❤️❤️