20/20 Vision for 2020

20/20 Vision for 2020

December 31, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

2020 is almost here. I love that round number. My grandson, Payton, was born in 2000. No problem keeping up with his age. It’s the same end-two digits of the year. He’ll be 20 in 2020.

I enjoy studying numbers and their meaning in the Bible. Here are some clues for what we can expect in the new year based on the number 20 in the Bible. First, the number 20 signifies expectancy or things to look forward to and it symbolizes the cycles of completeness. It is also often connected to a perfect period of waiting, labor or suffering that is compared to a trial and rewarded. Jacob waited 20 years to get his wives and property in his possession and released from his father-in-law. Israel waited 20 years for deliverance through Samson. Solomon waited 20 years for the completion of two houses. May we have 20/20 vison for 2020 to be OUR year of dreams coming true, deliverances, and many accomplishments. It’s up to us to stand strong and to believe it so!

In case you didn’t know — 2020 will be a Leap Year with 366 days in the year. That’s because the Earth actually takes 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds to go completely around the sun. To keep the calendar cycle synchronized with the seasons, one extra day is added every four years as February 29th. It’s called Leap Year because in 365-day years, fixed dates advance one day in the week per year. For example, Christmas fell on a Tuesday in 2018 and on a Wednesday in 2019. With the insertion of a “leap day”, dates (following February) advance two days instead of one. In 2020, Christmas will leap over Thursday to fall on a Friday. Good news – a longer holiday weekend! You’re welcome!

Whatever 2020 holds – and we know it will be a year of many ups and downs in politics, let’s not get that “ups and downs” mentality in our minds about our own lives. I’m NOT! I’ve got my 20/20 glasses on and my EXPECTORS expecting this to be a banner year when it comes to the goodness and faithfulness of our God Who holds our future and all that comes our way! I’m on the 20/20 expecting side of grace upon grace, mercy upon mercy, joy upon joy, peace upon peace, and overtaking us in powerful ways because we are on the same winning side as our God. Whatever 2020 holds for you and me is just about the same as it is for any minute, hour, day, month or year! We may not know what the future holds, but we know WHO holds our future and “Through our God, we shall do valiantly. It is HE Who will tread down our enemies.” (Psalm 60:12).

Happy New Year’s Eve and Happy and Blessed New Year to you and yours! Own it! Those blessings are ours for the speaking, acting and SEEING with 20/20 vision for 2020!