Month: December 2016

Thinking Back and Looking Forward

It’s the 365th day of 2016. I made it!!! 365 days of posting a positive word for my FB friends and family. After all, there’s enough negativity in social media with politics, the weat her, the economy, the disappointments many speak about or vent about in their relationships. Once upon a time, I didn’t want…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 31, 2016 Off

Wise Men Still Seek Him

Santa Claus came and went. The reindeer’s nose is no longer shining. The carolers have closed their Christmas song books. Chestnuts are no longer roasting on an open fire. My Canadian family are so happy we’re no longer singing “Let it snow. Let it snow.” and “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”, since they now…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 30, 2016 Off

Do You See What I See?

Have you ever looked for something that was right in front of you all the time? I could be wearing my glasses, and be looking for my glasses. I could be looking for my keys and they could be right on the counter in front of me. We could be looking for the rain to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 28, 2016 Off

Greater Things Will You Do!

What a day to be alive!! I keep saying that when I see yet another new electronic game, toy, machine or gadget is introduced to the market. And, no sooner does it make its debut, that that item is sold out because we just can’t wait to get our hands on it. nds on it.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 27, 2016 Off

Frolic and Play the Austin Way!

This Norman Rockwell painting shows a worn-out Santa on December 26th — and, like Santa, if all that’s left of Christmas for us — frazzled, exhausted, a bulging credit card balance, and an over-full stomach, then we missed the true meaning of Christmas. I’ll admit that after a full-of-fun-and-lots-of-activities week in Frisco, that just two…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 26, 2016 Off

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

It ALL happened in a moment, a most remarkable moment. God became a man! Heaven opened up and placed her most precious ONE in a human womb that brought Him to this side of heaven. Yes, so many reasons for a GINORMOUS birthday celebration today! It’s 4 am on this Christmas morning, and I’m about…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 25, 2016 Off

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve! My sweet Mama would always make her calls to each of her grown children on Christmas Eve morning, saying — “Merry Christmas Eve”. We expected that call. And I say that to all of my FB friends today — MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! That little greeting and memory certainly does turn my heart…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 24, 2016 Off

The Perfect Gift

Do you remember your all-time favorite Christmas gift as a child? MIne was a Tiny Tears Doll set. It was so awesome that she cried real tears and wet her diapers. LOL! My nephew, Mark David Lawrence, to this day, remembers his favorite gift — it was one of those 60s electronic football games (not…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 23, 2016 Off

It’s All About Him……NOT ME!

It’s All About Him……NOT ME! In years past, my Christmas traditions started right after Thanksgiving. I loved this time of the year so much that I decorated every bedroom with its own fully decorated, lit tree. The inside and outside of the house looked like a Christmas Store. I had several nativity sets throughout my…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 22, 2016 Off