Thinking Back and Looking Forward
It’s the 365th day of 2016. I made it!!! 365 days of posting a positive word for my FB friends and family. After all, there’s enough negativity in social media with politics, the weat her, the economy, the disappointments many speak about or vent about in their relationships. Once upon a time, I didn’t want…
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Santa Claus came and went. The reindeer’s nose is no longer shining. The carolers have closed their Christmas song books. Chestnuts are no longer roasting on an open fire. My Canadian family are so happy we’re no longer singing “Let it snow. Let it snow.” and “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”, since they now…
Tough Times Don’t Last — But Tough People Do!
These photo inspirations are near and dear to my heart. This day, 15 years ago, my Sweetheart and I resaid our wedding vows during our 35th year of marriage. I’d like to say it was 35 years of wedded bliss — all sweet, lovey-dovey, and delightful times that prompted us to want to repeat our…
Do You See What I See?
Have you ever looked for something that was right in front of you all the time? I could be wearing my glasses, and be looking for my glasses. I could be looking for my keys and they could be right on the counter in front of me. We could be looking for the rain to…