It’s Time to Take a Time-Out!
My hands are in the time-out “T” sign right now, and I’m saying “We need to take a time-out!” That’s what I was doing last Sunday when my family introduced me to “their own new family rules” of playing UNO. Of course, they had been mastering their new rules, so I, the newcomer to this…
Saving the Ones We Love the Most
We all have inbred instincts to save the ones we love the most. We are passionate about making sure our babies don’t touch a hot stove and they look both ways before crossing a street. We ensure they wear their coats in the cold winter days and we apply sunscreen in the blistering heat of…
Time to Take Back What the Enemy Has Stolen
While I was in Michael’s a few days ago, I saw the Fall décor 70% off sale. I saw this little squirrel that reminded me of the sandwich-snatching squirrel we met up with at Sea World. My daughter reminded me of the encounter. We had just sat down in a shady spot to eat our…
Having a God-is-in-Control Mindset
Thank goodness for the winners of the political races because now we can breathe easier. The ones who won their seats in the House and Senate proclaimed that they would fix the economy, solve the issues on immigration, health care, and give their supporters whatever they want from them. So, no concerns or worries! NOT!…
God is With You — So Get Ready for a Blessed Day
“Have a good one!” “Have a great day!” “Have a wonderful day,” “Have a terrific day,” We’ve all heard those words, in one form or another, and we’ve given those words at some time to someone. And then there are those of us who take it to a HIGHER level when we say, “Have a…
I Choose Peace!
Not too long ago, I was in a group meeting and it seemed no matter what I said, there was a gal that continued to contradict something I said. I was starting to tally the number of times she interrupted my train of thought to disprove something I said. My emotions were starting to go…
Loving the Unlovely – Test or Torture?
This Peanuts cartoon shows Lucy speaking to Linus, “I am human and I need to be loved just like everybody else does.” God bless Lucy. She reminds me of some folks, even my own self, at times. If you’ll remember dear Lucy’s personality — she was characterized as loud-mouthed, aggressive, temperamental, and sometimes dumb. She…
Fall Back! It’s Time for Change!
You know summer is officially over when Daylight Saving Time comes. You’re welcome, Friends. I’m giving you a little ARK (Act of Random of Kindness). I’m reminding you to get that extra hour of glorious sleep that you deserve! Daylight Saving Time 2018 will end tomorrow morning, Sunday, at 2 a.m., so it’ll be best…
The Gathering Place
My Tulsa walking buddy and I were going to walk around the subdivision where we walked for years previous to my move to Texas. But the brilliant idea came to, instead, walk at Tulsa’s new “Gathering Place”. We were taking on the new 70-acre, $465 million-to-build, world-class park we had heard about. We were pleasantly…
Celebrating the Light and our Heroes of Faith
The older I get, and closer I’ve become with my Lord, the sweeter and more peaceful is my journey. I’m consistently drawn to His Light. I steer clear of darkness and anything that is remotely identified with evil: ghosts, goblins, witches, skeletons,, and paranormal. For that reason, I am so thankful that Halloween is over!…