Month: February 2019

What Matters Most is Walking in Love

The Love Month is well underway, love is in the air, and today is my children’s 22nd wedding anniversary (see my separate post that honors their love story). I’m on purpose to awaken our senses to not just “talk the talk” but “walk the walk of love”. God IS LOVE and the lesson He wants…

By Donna Wuerch February 7, 2019 Off

Love is Being an Encourager

“Good Afternoon! Welcome to Moe’s!” Like me, I’m sure you’ve taken notice of the fast food chains and stores whose employees shout out welcoming words when we walk in their doors! It may be scripted, but to me, it’s encouraging! I was noticed! I also recognize it when a salesperson has been taught to be…

By Donna Wuerch February 6, 2019 Off

The Last Bite. The Last Word.

My husband was a food-of-any-kind connoisseur. He actually treated his meals like an art form. Once he’d try every different food item on his plate, he’d determine which was his favorite. He’d ensure his favorite bite was his last bite on his plate so he could savor that taste as long as possible afterward. I…

By Donna Wuerch February 5, 2019 Off

When Everyone Plays, We All Win

This photo on the left is one of my favorites. It was taken four years ago in Suncadia, WA when my two youngest grandsons, Bryson and Brennan, were ages 8 and 10. Here we are in Austin, TX four years later and they granted my wishes for a “nana” photo opportunity before heading out to…

By Donna Wuerch February 4, 2019 Off