Month: July 2020

I Can Control ME

I thought I’d mix it up. Instead of my usual chair that faces the TV, I decided to sit in the chair that faced out to my screened-in patio. Amazing how changing things up can change our perspective. My eyes were drawn to this wall hanging that the previous owners left behind. It was a…

By Donna Wuerch July 9, 2020 Off

Life is Often Like a Wild Water Ride

Aw! Water! Refreshing, cool, thirst-quenching water. I’ve been packing a lot of water over the last week or so. The warmer weather and being outdoors requires it. But, today, I’m talking about the beautiful water features that I’ve been enjoying. My Austin family and I spent the last week at the Gulf of Texas’ Port…

By Donna Wuerch July 9, 2020 Off