Month: July 2021

I was a Fraidy Cat

F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real That was my husband’s definition of fear. And, he was right on. How many times do we have fears that are false fears based on false information?  As much as I’d like you to believe that I’m this fearless dynamo, I still have those times when fear is an…

By Donna Wuerch July 16, 2021 Off

Being Subject to Change

I remember how much I wanted to gain weight when I was a teenager. I was so skinny they called me “beanpole”. I even took Raquel Welch’s recommendation and bought “Wate-On” tablets (for real) because I wanted to look like my peers who had already “filled out” quite nicely (at least in my eyes, they…

By Donna Wuerch July 14, 2021 Off

Celebrating My Pearl

God is relentless in His pursuit of us. He speaks to us in a thousand different ways trying to get our attention. He is passionate in His love for us, and patient in His tolerance of us. And, just in case you ever doubt your self-worth, here is proof positive of how special and amazing…

By Donna Wuerch July 12, 2021 Off