Month: October 2021

I’m Sorry I Saw That

I saw this photo at Baylor, Scott and White’s hospital parking area. Notice that the car with the skeleton and sword are in a handicap parking space? I’m reserving my thoughts. You’re welcome to have yours. But this scene propelled me into my annual rant. Ghosts, goblins, zombies, witches, and other Halloween paraphernalia that “haunt”…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 27, 2021 Off

Medal of Honor Tribute

Special Blog Edition!!!!This is my beloved sis’ aka sis-in-law’s birthday today. I am writing this blog to honor her and express my love for her for the many years we have done life together. She has been my loyal and devoted friend since I was twelve; she was nine and her brother was thirteen. She…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 25, 2021 Off