Bless Your Pea-Pickin’ Heart
When my niece, who is now an Assistant District Attorney here in South Texas, was first sworn in at Austin’s Texas Supreme Court as a Texas Attorney, I gave her a book called “Y is for Y’all”. It is a book of Southern ABC’s. It’s a great and hilarious gift for a newcomer to the…
Eyes Wide Open to Notice Miracles
I have a friend who reminds herself each day to “notice small miracles.” This isn’t only a phrase that she recalls to mind, but rather an attitude that she has chosen as a theme for her life. She started the practice of noticing moments of goodness and beauty during a time of a family crisis,…
For Lasting Change – We Need God’s Power
I was reading in the Book of Romans yesterday and was surprised by the words written by the Apostle Paul. I stopped in my tracks when I read about his problem with sin. WHAT? How could that be coming from one who wrote about our abilities to conquer whatever is conquering over us. Honestly, I…
Mountain-Tops & Valley-Bottoms
That title sounds like I’m blogging about a new clothing line, but not so much, though it does make me think I should consider pitching that title to a clothing designer! What I’m actually referring to today are the times when I have had a particularly challenging day, I have learned to STOP right in…
No Excuses — Just Do It!
In Exodus we hear about all the excuses Moses had when God asked him to step up and deliver His people from the grip of the Egyptians. Those excuses were: “I’m not good enough. I don’t have all the answers. People won’t believe me. I’m a terrible public speaker. I’m not qualified.” Are those the…