I’m Getting Off My High Horse
I’m Getting Off My High HorseDo you sometimes feel like throwing in the towel? You’re done and done with the heavy load you’ve carried way too long. The Apostle Paul must have felt that way many times. In fact he expressed his dependence when he wrote about the ‘thorn in his flesh’. Three times he…
Reminder: Tough Times Don’t Last
I’ll admit I have enjoyed watching the “Survivor” TV series since the show began. The resiliency, determination, grit and shrewdness of the cast amazes me. They go hungry if their team doesn’t win the challenge, they go through the most grueling obstacles, and their living conditions are dreadful. Nope! I couldn’t do it. I need…
Choosing to be like Jesus
We have all experienced it. We just heard an amazing sermon at church about being the light of Christ, and, ten minutes later, we’re trying to exit the church parking lot. We’ve got a ‘tude about the traffic and getting to our lunch date on time. We might even forget about using our car’s turn…
Letting Go and Letting God
When Carl and I were first getting acquainted at 2022’s November election polling place, he asked where I lived, and I told him about my 55+ community. He remarked: “My daughter is wanting me to sell my home and move into a place like that.” Fast forward……nine months and he is living in THAT community!…
Sleepyheads, Wake Up!
I’ve been an early riser my whole life, but in this season, it’s even earlier. My built-in, wake-up clock is set for 4 to 4:30 am. It serves me well as I post my daily blog by 5 am so my followers can catch a positive word before their day goes into overdrive. I get…
Stealth Superpowers
I’m sure you’ve heard about the petite woman who was able to lift the car off her child who was pinned under it. The people who have done that kind of feat, accomplished an almost unthinkable amount of strength. I read this in Psychology Today: “The human body can unleash some amazing RESERVES that deadens…
Brand New Year
Not January 1st New Year – but a brand-new school year! Lots of online photos of “first day of school” for many young students and even my Brennan’s first day of school at University of Mary Hardin Baylor. I went into Walmart for a quick few items, and saw many parents and their children loading…
A Thousand Generations
I heard this story and just had to share it with my friends. A busy father was looking for a way to entertain his young daughter. He found a map of the world in a magazine and cut it into pieces. He gave the pieces to his child and suggested she try to piece the…
Connecting the Dots
I have learned to connect the dots on so many levels. God helps me with that. Daily. If I don’t have enough time to work out, rather than stress about it, I chill. No sense making an ado about nothing. Connect the dots of “chilling” on this day. Maybe my body needs a rest day.…
Exposure of the Greatest Kind
This gal learned her lessons well. I exposed this white lily body way too many times to the sun as a teenager and as a grown up for many years. I’ve suffered the consequences of too much exposure to the sun. Today, I’m talking about some top-notch exposure to the true power of God. It…