Month: January 2024

 Being Go-Get-‘Em Cheerleaders

I know our children and grands would tell you we are proud, adoring grandparents. We purpose to be their #1 fans and cheerleaders. I’d like to introduce you to my BONUS granddaughter. This is our spunky and adorable Adeline aka Addie. What a joy she is to us and the many cheering fans for Westlake…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 21, 2024 Off

Is it Possible?

NEVER should we EVER say, “It can’t be done” or “I can’t do that” or ANYTHING when God says “Is there anything too hard for me?” Genesis 18:14 We have friends in a very challenging place right now. Maybe you are there too! Just a quick refresher: Christmas was almost a month ago. Remember Mary!…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 19, 2024 Off

Raise the Praise

Other than those who are allowed in via a permit, the Kogelberg Nature Reserve in Cape Town, South Africa, is off limits to visitors. Birdlife is prolific, wild horses live in the wetlands, and whales can be seen offshore. The area’s rich diversity of animals and over 1,800 varieties of plants flourish there. How free…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 18, 2024 Off


My circuit breaker kept tripping, so I alerted my electrician. He showed up to save the day for me. I took him to my master bathroom from where the issues started. It took him seconds to determine the problem and to school me. “That hairdryer –1875 watts. That heater – 1500 watts. Too much at…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 17, 2024 Off

Running MY Race

We love attending our church’s Wednesday night’s “Family Night”. We enjoy a delicious meal then move to one of our many choices of Bible Studies – from young to old. I particularly enjoy our Women’s Bible Study. This blog is spawned from last week’s start of this new year’s study. It is based on Hebrews…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 16, 2024 Off

The Pursuit of God

That’s my blog title as well as my greatest desire — to be in pursuit of God. That means I purpose to follow, run after, chase Him, and even catch Him and His unchanging, loving, caring and peace-filled ways. A. W. Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God” is a classic Christian devotional book written in 1948.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 14, 2024 Off

A Dose of Laughter Medicine

I am not having to order laughter medicine any longer because I married a man who IS my laughter medicine every day. Thanks, God! I needed that! We all need an unlimited supply of laughter medicine. In fact, you might need a hearty dose right now! We all need it — especially because the political…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 12, 2024 Off