Month: June 2024

Can There Be Love in Politics?

The recent presidential debate left many of us pondering not just political strategies, but deeper questions about kindness, truth, and our capacity to love one another. As I watched, I couldn’t help but feel empathy for both candidates. Biden, struggling to articulate his thoughts coherently, and Trump, bold in his statements yet sometimes lacking in…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 30, 2024 Off

Skin in the Game?

Warren Buffet is one of the best-known investors in the world. As of June 2024, he had a net worth of $135 billion, making him the tenth-richest person in the world. That wealth started with a $100 investment. Eleven doctors put together over $100K for Buffet to start investing. But because he wanted to show…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 29, 2024 Off

Psychological Warfare is Real

The words, “psychological warfare” jumped out at me as I read my morning devotional a few days ago. Not only did I consider them for myself, I sent the devotional to a friend who is smack dab in a mind-battle! In many ways our mind is a battlefield! We often find ourselves dodging fiery darts…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 28, 2024 Off

Hope Floats…..or Not?

Many of us are tired and lackluster with our hope. Tired of negativity, political rancor, grumpy and whiny people. Tired of trying to make changes in our lives. But we’d better make some changes because Proverbs 13:12 says: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Yikes! Who wants a sick heart? When we lose hope, we…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 26, 2024 Off

We are the Temple

Heading home from Fort Worth, we purposely attended The Hills Church (North Richland Hills Campus) for their 10 am service. Beyond the beautiful worship and praise with a packed audience, we were blessed with the inspiring message of their Youth Pastor, Emmanuel Dominquez. Pastor Emmanuel’s message showed us how the Holy Spirit empowers us to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 25, 2024 Off

From Generation to Generation

Heritage: valued objects and qualities like traditions, that have been passed down from previous generations; legacy. Check out these photos! They represent many lifetimes of memories — aunts and uncles reminiscing “the good old days”, memories of cousins playing together, of grandmas’ and grandpas’ stories of faith that sparked faith in their children and grandchildren.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 24, 2024 Off

The Race

In John 20:3-4, we read: “So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.” This moment of friendly competition between Peter and John gives us a lighthearted glimpse into their human nature. Visualize this with me:John: I won!Peter: Who’s ever…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 23, 2024 Off

10,001 Reasons to Marvel

I read an article a couple of days ago entitled: “Iris Photography Captures the Unique Galaxies Within Our Eyes”. Of course, here comes another God “idea” for a blog. In Psalm 103, the writer lists brilliant reasons why His heart is full of worship for God: “He heals our diseases, redeems our lives from the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 22, 2024 Off

But First, Let Me Thank God

Headlines: Boston Celtics coach wears shirt thanking God after team wins record-setting NBA title. It was a great season for our Dallas Mavericks, but the big win in the 2024 NBA Finals last Monday, June 17th, was claimed by the Boston Celtics and Head Coach Joe Mazzulla. It was the Celtics’ first title since 2008…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 21, 2024 Off