Month: August 2024

A Wonder-Filled Life

In 1921, the Taggert Baking Company of Indianapolis was about to launch its 1.5 pound loaf of bread. Elmer Cline was charged with finding a name for the new bread. Inspiration struck while he was visiting the International Balloon Race at the Indianapolis Speedway. He was awestruck by a sky filled with hundreds of colorful…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 31, 2024 Off

The Reagan Movie

Thursday night, we had the privilege of watching the Reagan movie, and let me tell you—it was outstanding. The film vividly portrays a man of great faith, conviction, determination, and resilience — qualities that carried him through his entire life. The movie starts with a no-frills look at Reagan’s childhood, quickly moving through his acting…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 30, 2024 Off

Mindset — Reset

We know how productive we can be when our computers AND our lives are operating at top performance. And we also know how counter-productive we can be when our computers crash, or we crash. Our computers are of such importance to us that we use security, filters, and firewalls to help protect them and we…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 29, 2024 Off

A Blank Canvas Artist

I really did want to paint! Let me rephrase that. I could paint walls, doors, railings, and any piece of furniture. But what I REALLY wanted was to paint a delicate and beautiful scene on a blank canvas. No paint-by-numbers for me! I desired to create something that was uniquely mine. What I’ve come to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 28, 2024 Off

Moving on Up

“Moving on Up” was the theme song for the hilarious TV series, “The Jefferson’s”. It featured a family who met up with prosperity and ended up living the HIGH life in a swanky “deee-luxe apartment in the sky…..” “Moving on up” for me means I’m moving on up in age. Yikes!! Where did the years…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 27, 2024 Off

I’m Still Here!

Whoo-hoo! It’s my birthday. This is the day the Lord made ME, and I’m so grateful He did. That may sound self-gratifying, but I’m following scripture that says: “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind, and you shall love your neighbor as YOU…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 26, 2024 Off

Being Cranky Offers No Rewards!

Oh, the joys of travel! I spoke about them yesterday. Here is Part 2. After our one-year anniversary whirlwind trip, we expected a no-glitch flight. But, our flight was delayed two hours which meant a late-night, 12:30 am arrival home. By the time we would get our luggage, hop on the parking bus, get our…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 25, 2024 Off

Suitcase – MIA!

I’ve traveled enough to know the drill. We step off the plane, tired but relieved, only to face the final hurdle: baggage claim. We stand there, watching everyone else’s bags slide down the conveyor belt like they were personally invited. But ours? Nowhere to be found. How do we feel in that moment when the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 24, 2024 Off

Let’s Learn to Pivot

Have you noticed how “pivot” has become the buzzword lately? What does it mean? Picture soldiers in a platoon, one quick command, and suddenly everyone’s heading in a new direction. That’s a pivot — a complete shift in how we approach something. Now, let’s talk about our faith walk. Sometimes, we need a good, old-fashioned…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 23, 2024 Off

Let’s Get Out the Golden Ruler

We have heard the Golden Rule many times. Jesus was being harassed by people who wanted to be right more than they wanted to do what was right. The Pharisees and Sadducees didn’t even like each other. But they were united in their dislike of this man, Jesus. He was causing people to question their…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 22, 2024 Off