A Good Friday at Epiphany Ranch
Though today is considered “Black Friday” for shopping and getting Christmas festivities started, it’s still Thanksgiving for us. Yesterday, we had an Austin Thanksgiving with friends and family at my Wuerch Family’s home.
Lots of good food, laughter, and frolicking with my children’s new Havanese puppy, Briggs, Brennan & Kylie’s new puppy, Oliver, along with our friends’ precious three-year old daughter, Bailey! What a three-some they were!
Truly the little girl and little dogs made for joy and laughter. AND, it was Braden’s, my firstborn grandson’s birthday, which made for even more celebration AND thanks-giving!
Today, we’re heading to Epiphany Ranch in Alto, TX to celebrate even more reasons for Thanksgiving at my Wallace family’s ranch. That means we are not rushing past this time of expressing our gratitude for God’s blessings this year.
In my morning text messages to my kids this morning, I said, “I have a gratitude attitude this morning. I am so thankful for YOU! We are all so blessed. We have plenty of food to eat. None of us are in a sick bed. We’ve been protected from storms, and God has given us His peace in abundance. AND, I am so blessed to have each one of you in my life! I love YOU all so much!”
I am taking my Waikiki meatballs for this day-after, plus appetizers and other sides. AND, we are taking my sweet Canadian cousins/nieces (they call me Auntie Donna), Karlei and Tynessa, with us to Alto. They live in the Austin area now. They are beautiful, young women, Karlei is a District Attorney in New Braunfels, Texas and Tynessa is on staff at City Reach Church here in Austin. This mama/nana/auntie is in her world of love and gratitude – especially when we are celebrating God’s goodness to us all.
I am savoring this time of expressing our gratitude a while longer. My heart gets so full when I hear each one express their thanks. Since the big day of Thanksgiving is over for another year to many, I still sense the sweet graces of thankfulness that open the doors to Christmas and the Christ Child Who brought peace on earth and good will to men.
Thanksgiving doesn’t have to end when Christmas begins. Thanks-living can carry right on into the new year day after day. The Apostle Paul reminded us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to: “Give THANKS in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Thankfulness is the gate to God’s joy and peace, and praise is the key to His presence. Being aware of His presence may be the key to having one of the best Christmas seasons EVER. So, why not turn “Black Friday” into a “Good Friday”? It can be the doorway to the beautiful season of Advent that begins this Sunday! Let’s make room for our Lord today AND everyday!