A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way

A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way

August 12, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

I often see visitors coming into our complex for a tour of the property. Sometimes I strike up a conversation with them to let them know how wonderful it is to live here. I was speaking to a visitor and her daughter and I asked the mother if she was married or single. She immediately teared up when she replied that she was a recent widow. From my own experience, I knew what she was feeling, and I told her so.

After my husband graduated to heaven, I weighed my options on whether to keep our large home or make a move to a smaller home and community. The man marketing that community asked me the very same question. And, like this lady visitor, I teared up when I said I was a recent widow. His words were so kind as he said, “I know how you feel. My wife passed away three years ago.” Since then, my goal is to comfort as many others with the comfort I have received. St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “That you may be comforted with the same comfort that I have been comforted with.” (2 Corinthians 1:4) He most certainly had his share of tough times, trials and even worse, but he was comforted by God’s love and grace and now he could comfort others as he had been comforted.

We all need words of encouragement. I am forever grateful for those who have spoken encouragement to me. My mind is flooded with examples as I am sure you can reflect on encounters from your own life where a kind word blessed you far more deeply than the encourager could have ever imagined. Those kind words from others motivated me to encourate others. I want to be the person who is sensitive to God’s prompting when He nudges me to be kind and to speak kindness into the life of another.

If you’re reading this post, you are probably one of those kisses from heaven to me, because you embrace me, empower me, motivate me and are SO KIND to me when you “like” or “love” one of my posts, when you take the time to comment brings me so much joy. From the bottom of my heart…..I thank you!

Is it any wonder that the Paul listed “kindness” as one of the traits of the fruit which the Holy Spirit seeks to grow within our lives. Let’s examine the kindness “fruit” in our lives and challenge ourselves to let that kindness be seen more and more in our everyday lives.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another…….” Ephesians 4:32.
