A Treat for 97 Years
This morning, I’ll be heading to Tulsa to celebrate Mom and her 97th Birthday! It’s truly a day of celebrating – not just a mother-in-law, but a dear friend, mentor, and mother. God brought this precious treat to us on October 31st, 1922. I’m sure He had a hand in her being named “Lydia” which means “worshipper of God“! And true to her name, she has been a true worshipper of God. You’ll find her at any given time with her Bible in hand — reading and praying for her family and friends. Many times you’ll find her on the phone encouraging someone.

Mom means the world to me. Were it not for her, I wouldn’t have been blessed with the love and joy of having her son as my beloved husband and our children and grandchildren. She has been a true gift to all who know her, leaving her mark on so many lives, including mine. Though she’s my mother-in-law, it has always been so natural to call her “Mom”. She always treated me like a daughter. She loved me when I was 12-years-old and was an accomplice with my mom in ensuring their two kiddos would marry AND stay married! Their strategies (and many prayers) worked well!
I know many funny, and often “catty” remarks said about “mother-in-laws”. That’s too bad, because if it weren’t for our in-laws we would never have been blessed with our sweethearts. We should love, respect, appreciate, and honor them. And, isn’t that the kind of “in-law” we want to be for our children’s and grandchildren’s spouses?

I’m putting Mom out there today — front and center — for you to see what a mother-in-law should look like. Not the exterior, though she is and always has been a beautiful, stately woman, but she did the best of what God called her to do. She walked His walk AND talked His talk. She has been a Proverbs 31 woman — the one that her children ALL rise up and call her blessed. She sure makes me want to up my game!
Mom, I celebrate the gift of you in my life and to so many others who have been impacted by your grace and beauty for so many years! I love you so much.

Mom, I celebrate the gift of you into my life and to so many others who have been impacted by your grace, dignity, and beauty for so many years! I love you so much……Donna