A Year of Great Expectations
I have started this new year on a “great expectation” high. I am over-the-top excited about the “new”. Certainly not expecting a Disney World kind-of-magical-year. Nor, singing “Somewhere over the rainbow where trouble melts like lemon drops.”
My great expectations for 2021 are living this good life in simple confidence in “He Who began a good work in me (and you), is faithful to complete it!” (Philippians 1:6) He Who promised that if I put my faith and trust in Him, He will show me what to do, where to go and how to get there. In this photo — we see the manger and the cross — THAT is the reason we can have Great Expectations for today, tomorrow and for eternity.
Did I start last year, 2020, with words of such optimism like this? You bet I did! And that optimism and faith kept me grounded all year. NOW, my “expectors” are on high alert for this year! I plan to wake up each day with expecting the best out of this day. No doubt, I’ll still have to navigate some highs and lows, but it doesn’t matter, because I plan to view each day as a gift. How I tackle it with my attitude and fortitude will either make it or break it for me – and even others in my sphere of influence.
My husband and I, with our children, met every new year for the sole purpose of writing out our goals. Goals are the targets that we point our lives to with a destination to reach. They help us clarify what we desire to do, be or have and committing ourselves to making them happen.
My goals and my great expectations are motivating me to make some big changes in my personal and spiritual life. Those expectations aren’t so much about the things to attain since I’ve been there and have been so blessed. That’s not to say we shouldn’t set goals for our dreams and desires. But I’m in the season of life when “less is more” and the things I once desired are no more. Now my goals include having quality time with my family and friends, some travelling, but most of all, serving God with my whole heart. I’m intent on leaving a legacy of faith.
I am looking to the future and not the past. Seriously. I don’t want to hear one more person or news commentator rehashing the woes of 2020. Yes, we acknowledge it was a year like none other in our lifetime, but today and tomorrow should be the object of our attention! I know WHO holds my future so I have no reason to fear or doubt. I refuse to allow discouragement to take me off course. I intend to embrace what God is doing in each situation and circumstance of my life because, by now, I’ve learned “ALL things work together for good because I love God with all my heart, and I know I’m called according to His purposes.” (Romans 8:28)
This is my “Great Expectation” declaration! Could I please urge you to make a Great Expectation declaration, too? Great expectations that something good is about to happen to you and yours each day. Great expectations that God is for you. Great expectations for a great hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11) every single day of this new year! What are YOUR great expectations?