Tag: All things work together

God is in the Details

Details — those ominous, pit-filled, heart-wrenching times when we ask: “Why? Why? Why?” But hold on, friends, God is in the details!!! We are having our morning devotions when we start looking for answers to some almost overwhelming issues. A sales contract on Carl’s home seems to have a glitch. During the inspection, some plumbing…

By Donna Wuerch April 10, 2024 Off

God’s 35,000 Feet View

It’s yesterday and it’s my birthday! And we’re on our way to I-Hop! It’s a redo of last year when my son asked where I’d like to go for my birthday. It was to I-Hop where a most charming waiter welcomed us and sang “Oh, Donna!” to me and the entire restaurant. To top it…

By Donna Wuerch August 27, 2023 Off

Connecting the Dots

I have learned to connect the dots on so many levels. God helps me with that. Daily. If I don’t have enough time to work out, rather than stress about it, I chill. No sense making an ado about nothing. Connect the dots of “chilling” on this day. Maybe my body needs a rest day.…

By Donna Wuerch August 13, 2023 Off

Connecting the Dots

Remember that game? I do! You probably played it too, along with the numbers we connected by drawing lines to the next number and soon it unveiled a picture of something. “Connect the dots” is a phrase that has popped up today as a metaphor to illustrate an ability to find the “big picture” of…

By Donna Wuerch August 14, 2021 Off

Subject to CHANGE Daily

I’m pulling my “female” card. Yes, I am a woman and I am subject to CHANGE daily. I can CHANGE my mind about this or that. I can CHANGE clothes – just because I want to. I can CHANGE occupations (and I did). I’m also a “single” so I can CHANGE TV channels whenever I…

By Donna Wuerch January 26, 2018 Off

Safe in the Eye of the Storm

Yesterday, I posted about BEING the eye of the storm and today I’m taking it a notch up. Oftentimes, no matter the peace and calm we represent or the peace and calm we are in, still unexpected stuff happens which really reveals whether we’re just talking the talk, or actually walking the walk! Eleanor Roosevelt…

By Donna Wuerch July 29, 2017 Off