Abilities — Use Them or Lose Them

Abilities — Use Them or Lose Them

June 11, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Oh, yes! If we are still alive and kickin’, we have abilities. My precious mom once complained to her doctor, “Doc, sometimes I just don’t want to get out of bed!” He replied, “The day you stop getting out of bed is the day you’ll be bedfast.” Those words kept her moving!

Now, let’s talk about our abilities! Yes, getting out of bed is one of them! But we have others — some known and some waiting to be discovered.

I was a newsletter writer and editor, as well as a newspaper editor and a technical writer for years, so when God encouraged me to blog – it came from abilities I was already using. I took my abilities to a new level when I started blogging. God gave me those abilities for a reason.

God wants us to use whatever abilities we have to serve Him and others! Here are some steps to help us engage and use our abilities for good and for God’s glory.

1. Estimate Your Abilities
Time for a self-assessment! What are you good at? Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is key. If you’re stuck, ask a friend or family member to chime in. You might be surprised at the talents they see in you that you’ve overlooked.

2. Dedicate Your Abilities
Romans 12:1 says, “Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him.” So, have a heart-to-heart with God. “Lord, you gave me these abilities, and now I’m giving them back to you. Use them for your purpose.” It’s like returning a borrowed lawnmower but with a promise to mow the neighbor’s yard too!

3. Cultivate Your Abilities
Think of your abilities as a garden. They need watering, sunlight, and a little pruning. So, practice, improve, and develop your skills. Get out those gardening tools and watch your garden grow.

God has invested enormously in you. He created you, gifted you with unique abilities, and sent Jesus to die for you. That’s a big investment! One day, He’s going to ask, “What did you do with what you were given?” Make sure your answer reflects how you used your talents to honor Him, serve others, and make a positive impact!

Jesus tells us, “When the master comes and finds the servant doing his work, the servant will be blessed” (Luke 12:43). God wants to see you actively using your abilities in ways He intended. When you do, not only do you bless others, but you also invite His blessings into your life.

So, go ahead and unlock those hidden talents. Take that first step in using your abilities for a greater purpose. You’ll find joy, fulfillment, and the wonderful blessings God has in store for you. You’ve got this, and remember, you’re doing it all for His glory!