An Entire Year of Awesomeness Awaits Us
Happy 2016! An Entire Year of Awesomeness Awaits Us
Our brand new year is officially here with its clean slate to start fresh and new, and my two boys and I celebrated each time zone from East coast to West coast.
Packed into our last day of the year was seeing Star Wars again, but this time in 3D, recliner seats — all cozy comfy and we were just as enamored as we were the first time we saw it. Then to Chuck E Cheese for a little game play before heading home for our traditional photo-opts and Brennan, the Producer’s, latest movie.
We toasted to the new year in style with our sparkling grape juice. We watched the giant ball of sparkles descend in Times Square, had lots of goodies to eat, and we prayed the New Year in together for those who lived in each time zone we celebrated.
We celebrated with dancing, hoverboard antics, fireworks, laughing, and hugging! As has been the tradition for 14 years now, hanging with my boys makes New Year’s Eve a night to remember. Best dates a gal could have….at least at this season of my life.
One thing we ALL have in common, rich or poor — is the desire for a blessed and successful new year. Reflecting over 2015, I ask myself, “Did I really embrace each day, taking time to ‘smell the roses’ — being ‘present’ in the moments and to cherish the people in my life — and when I’m with them — to be ‘with them’ — without distractions?” I’ve thought a lot about that during the visit with my family in Texas and here in Washington — really cherishing these times.
You’ve probably seen my postings about that. In reality, every day should be treated as a gift from God and we should cherish each one with thanksgiving. We can’t change the past, but we can always determine to celebrate each new day in our todays and tomorrows as the days God made for us and to determine to use our time wisely, with the purpose of LIVING every moment, LAUGHING every day, and LOVING beyond words….after all, we will NEVER have these moments again!
Our future is so bright. Let’s purpose to wake each day to the prospects of what each day will hold by Him Who knows everything about everything — and with that kind of ADVISOR — if we pay close attention — He’ll guide us into making 2016 to be our best, most blessed year EVER! A happy and blessed 2016 is my prayer for all of my FB friends and family today!