Be an Ever-Ready Light

Be an Ever-Ready Light

March 3, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

It’s Thursday morning and I’m at my volunteer post in Radiology at Children’s Hospital. It’s a good day. The “little” patients are tolerating their pain until their x-ray is over with. I say to the younger ones “Let’s go get your picture taken. Be sure to smile really big!” To the school age kids, I say “Ready to go to Star Wars’ Launch Station?” That’s what I think of when I go into the room. This humongous arm of white steel with the grand camera ready to take off! Not to mention the 3-D X-Ray technology in another area.

I go back to my station and enters the “EVER-READY bright light” of Raz (aka Erasmo) – from our Engineering Department. He’s a bright light because he’s always beaming from ear to ear with a smile that brightens everyone’s day. He has his ear plugs in, as usual, but takes one out to visit with me. I say, “So are you listening to Christmas music?” He shows me his phone – it’s playing Johnny Matthis’ “Sleigh Ride”. A mom in the waiting room hears us talking and says, “I love Christmas music, too” and one of our cast technicians comes out of her room declaring her love for Christmas music, too.

Maybe you’re thinking these folks are in denial that Christmas is over. Oh, no – that’s not the case. Raz listens to Christmas music all year round. He says it’s always a happy day when he’s listening to Christmas music. Something else Raz and I have in common is we speak the same language. We talk about the goodness of God and how grateful we are to have Him in our lives.

I remember an old song written in 1913 by Ina Ogdon. Here I go again – referencing another song. These were the words:

“Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor “you” may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!

Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar,
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.”

The point of that old song is to be a light that brightens someone’s day and even might brighten their life with love, hope and joy that saves them from giving up.

Sometimes we hear people say: “I’m not good enough.” “What difference can one person make?” The funny thing is, I’ve been in the dark when there was an electrical storm and I couldn’t find the lighter to light my candles without my Eveready flashlight. We all can be that Eveready flashlight to those around us who can’t find their way. We ARE qualified to be LIGHT-bearers. There is so much darkness in this world – that when a HIGH BEAMER, like Raz, enters the room – darkness flees.

Here’s the Gospel truth: We each have a unique mission which God has prepared for each one of us. Maybe the mission is to share God’s good news in not just our talk – but our walk (St. Francis said “Preach the Gospel and all times and sometimes use words). Or maybe it’s to help one little child get a drink of water. And perhaps, that child will grow up and be that one that will change the world by their EVER-READY light.

If you’re tempted to sell yourself short, remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:14. “YOU are the light of the world. People do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. The purpose of any light is to shine in the darkness. Even the tiniest light can pierce through the darkest darkness.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for choosing us to serve you. Let us be instruments in your hand so that we brighten the corner where we are and impact our neighbors’ lives for your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen!