Being Cranky Offers No Rewards!

Being Cranky Offers No Rewards!

August 25, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Oh, the joys of travel! I spoke about them yesterday. Here is Part 2. After our one-year anniversary whirlwind trip, we expected a no-glitch flight. But, our flight was delayed two hours which meant a late-night, 12:30 am arrival home.

By the time we would get our luggage, hop on the parking bus, get our car, and make the half-hour drive home, I would get about three hours of sleep before heading to my volunteer work at the family center! Argh!

My husband waited patiently at the luggage carousel while I took a quick detour to the restroom. Upon my return, he had our bags in tow and was ready to load them onto the parking bus.

But then…OMG! My heart skipped a beat as I reached into my pocket and realized my phone wasn’t there. I left it in the women’s restroom, perched right on the paper holder shelf.

I bolted back to the restroom as fast as my tired legs would carry me, praying that no one had found it before I did. My mind raced with “What if it’s gone?” Oh, the hassle that could ensue!

BUT — my phone was right where I left it. What a relief it was as I quickly rushed back to the parking bus (still loading passengers). Relief and gratitude washed over me.

But, as if the night hadn’t thrown enough at us, we couldn’t find our parking ticket. We spent another 30 minutes searching and finally finding our online membership. Whew! We didn’t have to pay double for our parking spot!

On the way home, something clicked. The hassle, the flight delay, the forgotten phone, the missing ticket — all so minor compared to those who are dealing with extreme difficulties that make me feel ashamed for my whininess! Please forgive me, Lord!

I think God allows the trivial things to remind us that He knows all about it and He will use the experiences for our good. I started thinking about our victory moments and the things that worked out even when it felt like everything was going off the rails.

Life = curveballs when we least expect them. The curveballs are what makes us! Sometimes, the toughest battles are the ones we fight within ourselves — the fight to keep a positive attitude, to stay grateful, to trust that God is working things out even when it seems like everything is falling apart.

My most used and loved scripture: “ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” (Romans 8:28)

So, the next time life throws you into a late-night fiasco, remember to take a deep breath, and find the moments of victory that remind us God’s grace is always present, guiding us through every detour and delay. Surely, His rewards (goodness and mercy) are the best!